“ Age is just a number “ ... and you certainly won’t be alone – 8% of the world’s population ; almost a fifth of the UK population ; and 4% of the Philippines population are 65 and over.

Average life expectancy ( at birth ) is now at least 78 for men and 82 for women ( UK ) ; 69 and 74 in Philippines. It does vary markedly within both countries.

For Kensington and Chelsea it’s 85 and 89 ; compare that to Glasgow ( 72 and 78 ). The UK fares rather less well than other countries ( like Spain, Italy, Australia and Sweden ) for HEALTHY life expectancy – 69 for men and 80 for women.

UK life expectancy at 65 is around 84 for men and 86 for women. Ill health in the last years of life ( heart disease, cancers, chronic lung disease ) is often linked to avoidable risk factors - like obesity, high blood pressure and smoking. Depression, dementia, and loneliness affect a significant minority of older people. 2/3 of NHS usage is by over 65’s but they receive only 2/5 of expenditure. Almost half of hospital admissions are aged 65+. At least 4/5 deaths in the UK are in the over 65’s - in fact any death under 65 is classed as “ premature “. Despite that, over half of people over 65 are “ fairly satisfied “ with their health .

Of course these are only statistics ! No one can accurately predict life expectancy for individuals.

For the substantial numbers of “ old codgers “ or “ elderly “ individuals, age discrimination IS seen as a problem by many. We’re “ low priority “ to politicians ; our skills and talents are often unappreciated ; and travel insurance policies may have an upper age limit.

The chances, at 65, of living enjoyable and healthy lives for the next 19 years ( “ average “ man ) or 21 years ( “ average “ woman ) are better if our “ lifestyle choices “ are good :-

• exercise, diet, alcohol, drugs, smoking ); plus

• a POSITIVE attitude and hobbies ;

• Supportive partners, relatives and friends ;

• all influenced by factors such as where we live and our genetic make up.

I don’t care what I’m called at 65+ ! I’ve seen enough of life through my work and leisure to appreciate every single day, with plenty to look forward to in 2014 and beyond !

Good health to all members, whatever age you are .

