It's nice if ever you did receive something from a friend, aunty or mum and dad, but do people expect it and do people make sure they give it too?

Most people these days will have some sort of savings and even a house too, but in their plans are they going to leave a set amount for their children or whoever?

It would be nice to leave something, that's if there is something to leave that is. I am saving hard for my future and my Wife's too, and all being well, we should have enough to be comfortable in our old age.

I had a talk the other day asking if I can give my Daughter her Inheritance sooner than later and if i had enough funds what a good idea I thought, but what if you don't? Does that make you bad in their eyes, and trying to tell them that don't expect anything but if you did get something count yourself lucky?

Whats the saying, you are worth more dead then alive