To apply for both parts at the British consulate your fiance would have to be in the Phils first for 21 days appling the 22nd then it can be collected 21 days after that and I believe is valid for 3 months

So in your case your Fiance should make the initial application in the UK and exchange the Brit version in the Embasy in Manila or make an appointment if they wish to exchange in Cebu with Moya Jackson

Ask at your intended city hall about there requirements and most important when the seminar is run as sometimes like where we are its every two weeks you might need to find another place that fits your time scale (just for the certificate of marriage counciling)

If they say they want a Cenomar for your fiance just apply when you apply for yours and be sure to get your fiance to give you the Names of his parents, as it appears on his full UK birth certificate, most important the spelling!!!

If you get your timing right on exchange and seminar you should be ready to apply 3-4 days after he arrives then plus 10 days for the liscence

My advice would be to also make a booking with the Judge for your proposed wedding date that fits this time scale and get HIM/Her the liscence as soon as you have it to make the contract