Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
Far more inexcusable is the murder of a child period! Forget indignation at the besmirchment of someones integrity, kid wouldn't have been killed if Duterte hadn't given carte blanche to plod AND promised to serve their jail time for them if any were prosecuted for extra judicial killings. He is now backtracking on that promise as usual. Lots of collateral damage in a war like this, just another casualty that would have been swept under the carpet were it not for the CCTV. How many other innocents have gotten a .45 in the nut?
... terribly sad ANY child being gunned down [for whatever motive(s)!] But, of course, there again ... ... in fairness to > Duterte, < he'd made it abundantly clear - to his political rivals & supporters alike - that ... "pushers" caught dealing in illegal drugs would be shown NO mercy! And that was BEFORE he was overwhelmingly elected. So, ... where, in goodness name, has he backtracked? Indeed, he has since met with the murdered boy's grief~stricken parents - pledging to bring those rogue police officers responsible for their son's killing to justice.

See - http://manilastandard.net/news/top-s...kian-loyd.html