In preparation for my wifes visa application, being self employed I had a suitably qualified accountant (FCCA) check my accounts today confirming the gross taxable income for the last financial year which the financial requirement will be based on.

The accountancy firm produced a financial statement which I signed and approved. I am reluctant to post an image of this statement here so will have to describe it instead.

The top of the page details the turnover, overheads and profit for the year.

Below the figures there is a sentence headed by the word Approval:

"I approve the above financial statement, acknowledge my responsibility for the statement and confirm that all the information and explanations necessary for their compilation has been supplied."

My name is then printed, the date given, and I've signed my name alongside to confirm my approval of the statement.

Below this it reads:

You have approved the financial statement for the year ended 31st March 2012. In accordance with your instructions, we have compiled these unaudited accounts from the accounting records and information and explanations supplied to us.

Below that is the Name of the tax centre, along with 'Chartered Certified Accountants' written underneath. The statement is also stamped with the name and address of the accountancy firm.

Given the format I have described is this sufficient for the application?

My unaudited accounts will be included with the documents for this application.

In my sponsors letter, referring to this document , I was going to write:

"For the purpose of this visa application I instructed a suitably qualified accountant to check my unaudited accounts and confirm the figures I have submitted. I used the accountancy firm *********e Ltd. Their accountants are Chartered Certified Accountants and belong to ACCA, a UK Recognised Supervisory Body as defined in the Companies Act 2006 (and as required in Annex FM Section FM1.7).

The Chartered Certified Accountants prepared a financial statement for my 2011/2012 unaudited accounts thereby confirming and certifying a taxable profit of £22131 from the accounting records I supplied. Should the need arise, the Director, Mr ******** FCCA, who is aware of my wife’s visa application, can help with any enquires (his contact details are on the included invoice for this accountancy work)."

Is what I have described ok for this visa application?