Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
Are Pia and I the only ones having difficulties with rice cookers?

Before leaving da phils and in anticipation of significant rice consumption when together here, Pia and i bought a rice cooker. It was reportedly the best brand available. Can't recall what it was. Anyway, it burned rice on the 3/4 occasions we used it, then it decided it would not work anymore. Great!!!!

We then bought a Breville rice cooker in Currys and the end of August. It also burned the rice a bit and would usually undercook the rice. Last night the aluminium ring under the actual rice pot, melted shortly after we started it giving off incredibly toxic fumes.

What is going on? Help!
You been buying overpriced duff stuff.......

A week after Jet arrived, in Septenber 2007, we went to Lidl, and we purchased an Italian made rice cooker.
It was just about short of a tenner, and it has been working very well since.
Not a burnt grain of rice anywhere....
It can also be used as a steamer and Jet, more often than not, makes the most wonderful Leche Flan.....