Quote Originally Posted by jonnyivy View Post
Hi to you all,...been a long time since I posted anything on your forum, although I do pop in now and again to keep up to date.
Nicely settled here in Scotland with what most of our friends would say was the perfect marriage between two light-hearted funny people, totally committed to each other.
I have a nice little business going here and my wife also works in a lovely atmosphere in a wine shop where customers love to see my wife's happy smile.
So really everything is looking good, as it should be,... so we have decided we may as well take some time out at the end of this year and go back to Cebu and see my wife's family as it's been 5 years since she last saw them (except for Skype).
The last times we were over our kids were small,.. all the family were wanting to babysit for us, ie. .. take the pram and walk the oldest along the seawall etc. which was fine by us as it freed us up to visit friends and family around the area.
The whole time we were there(and the times before) we were both so relaxed with this, having relations at the door wanting to be with us to share the time of day and laugh and play with our kids (4yr and 2yr). We didn't mind having the odd get-together party as it brought us all together and showed them our appreciation.
However,...this time I'm looking ahead in my mind and wondering if it will be quite the same as before. You always dream that you can go back there and continue from where you left off, but somehow I fear that things may be a little different.
Even my wife has said she feels a little pensive going back,...not that there is any bad feelings between her and her family but more to do with the safety element with our growing kids.
Our girl will now be 10years old when we go and our son will be 7,...both are like all other Mestisa/mestiso mixes and are very beautiful with skin tones to match.
I worry about them walking along the seawall with the family this time, thinking I/we should be there to guard them at all times for the threat of un-desireables who now frequent the village especially in the evenings.
I don't know whether I am being too over protective of my kids or whether there will be a certain amount of safety rules we will have to consider this visit ?
I'm hoping to spend more time staying at the city hotels where we can enjoy the pools and the food and the malls etc. Does folk on here think that the situation has indeed got a little more 'dangerous' for families with young kids ?... I have no fear of walking around on my own, but different story walking around the streets/malls with my family..

A nice read that was.
Just relax, I bet the family over there can't wait to see their family from here, just be yourself.