Quote Originally Posted by ssbib View Post
Ooh, can I pick your brain on the process then if you don't mind. I was hoping someone here could advice me if they had done it recently. So all I have to do before the marriage itself is go to the embassy (with all the documents listed on the .gov website) and make my affirmation? When this is done do I need to get married within a certain length of time? I am back in Philippines in February so might as well do it then if there is no time limit. Also, how long in advance did you need to make the appointment? When that process is done I can legally marry in the Philippines? I just need to then organise the actual wedding, haha?
Depending on the time of year getting an appointment might at short notice might be difficult.

If it's a decision to get married in the Philippines then you really need to make a schedule and work backwards from that. Check the British Embassy booking webpage and see how it looks.

In principle I'd suggest 21 days in the Philippines to get married. This gives time for any delays.
It's possible to get done in 14 days, but this requires a really slick project plan and some good luck to avoid any issues. Not much happens very fast here.

Your Fiancee can get a lot of preparations done and dusted before you land.

If time off work is going to be an issue then I'd suggest making 2 shorter trips. First trip to secure the marriage licence, second trip to get married. The marriage licence takes a minimum of 10 days depending.
Your Fiancee can check schedules etc to optimise and secure in 10 days with no delays.
The licence will be valid for 120 days anywhere in the Philippines.