I know that this thread has probably died a death but I thought I would weigh in with a dating site recommendation in case anyone is reading this in the future...

Try a site called "Tagged". I met my fiancé on there. I heard of it through one of my tenants and joined in the off chance I could meet somebody local. I had no expectations but wanted to try. I didn't know that it is mainly popular with women in the Philippines and Thailand and I was getting loads of messages from people in those countries (mostly Philippines). I didn't particularly want to get involved with a girl from so far away so I quit the site about 2 weeks after joining. Luckily I gave my Skype ID to a girl I had enjoyed talking to and we started a relationship soon afterwards and are now engaged. If you are wanting to meet some gorgeous Filipina's then I would suggest checking it out. Be warned though that its not EXCLUSIVELY a dating site, as some people do use it as social networking and playing games but I would say 90% on there were for dating. However this means that most on there are genuine people and during my time I never came across any scammers or anything. Best of all, it's FREE!