Quote Originally Posted by Jenky View Post
Hello Lordna.

It looks to me like the UK Passport agency may have changed their rules.

You wrote that you sent them a British and Filipino passport and an adoption cert. So am I right in assuming that your daughter already has a British Passport in her old surname? Also she also has a Filipino passport in the same name and you want to get the name changed on the British passport to reflect her adopted name and they wont do it because they want the name changed in the Filipino passport first?

If so why do you need to submit to them the Filipino passport at all? Surely you can just apply for a new BP under the change of name section. Then all you would need to supply to the passport office would be the old BP as evidence of British nationality and the adoption paper to show that her surname has now legally changed from that on her existing BP. To my mind the Filipino passport is irrelevant and is complicating your application. But things may have changed so I may be mistaken.

I tried once to change my step daughters surname on her Filipino passport to mine as it had her fathers surname on it. I was told that it cannot practically be done unless I adopted her in the Philippines which an attorney told me would take a long long time and a lot of money.
The only reason i sent in the Philippine passport is they did ask to supply ALL passports, British or Foreign, on the application form.

I am hoping now that they will return her British passport uncancelled so she can use that for the school trip as it seems unlikely that getting her adoption recognised by the Philippine embassy AND getting them to reissue her Philippine passport can be done in time to get the British one issued.