Can I throw this open to anyone with any knowledge or have had experience or know about this due to personal experience.

My father as some who will know due to my previous post ie: Delirium has had reacurring UTI (water infection) infact averaging every 3 weeks and even though courses of antibiotics are giving and does cure it even for a short while it seems to come back.

As my family are so concerned about another episode of delirium because of this, is it right that I am thinking a low dose preventative or maintenance antibiotic can be given to lessen the the chances of a UTI reacurring.

I have been reading about it and was going to ask his GP to visit him at his nursing home so our concerns can be put forward and hopefully he will agree to this being done.

My father has now got moderate heart failure due to everything he has been through and we fear another episode could kill him.

Any thoughts my dear friends...

Thank you.....