Well now ... there's a "turn~up for the book". Just heard on the latest news that Douglas Carswell - the subject of this thread, who defected from the Tories back in 2014 to join UKIP - has since quit the latter, while hoping to be able to continue representing his existing constituency as an Independent Member of Parliament.

Probably there will be some (even many) who will readily criticise his actions. But ... ... as he explained on being interviewed, he'd only split from his original Party due to leading Conservatives (including the then Prime Minister, David Cameron) being staunch Eurocrats.

Carswell, was keen for to withdraw from the EU. Hence, his principal (arguably, even principled) reasons for allying himself to the Party that was totally committed to UK independence from Europe.

However, as we're all aware, there's been a lot of water under the bridge since then ... not to mention more than a few surprises along the way!

Added to which, there seems to have been regular, ongoing spats between Carswell's own supporters and those of former UKIP Leader, *Nigel Farage - *who's now claiming Carswell "jumped ship, before he was pushed"!

So, all things considered, Carswell's move ... away from a Party he now believes to be a "spent force", is understandable given that he's confident our nation's future is secure in Theresa May's more than capable hands.