Hi everyone Merry Christmas and advanced Happy New year. Guys if you know any of my questions then i would be really grateful for your help.

01. We are planning to processes our fiancee visa but my yearly income salary is £18.100 which is not quite the threshold our government requires, but if i had adequate savings would it be ok for them and if so how much do you think the government requires. Or do they just want a job that earns over £18.600 and p60 that tells them how much you earn a year and bank statement of what you spend in a year.

02. My Fiancee has some savings in her account, but how much is required in Pesos what is the adequate amount the Embassy will be expecting.

03. I want to register my baby's British passport, an when i called in October i was informed registration had now been transferred to Hong Kong, but my fiancee said they have hired a new ambassador in Manila so we can register there now. Does anyone know if this is true and if so can you please give me the number for the UK Embassy in Manila and the direct email.

04. When i process the documents will they accept scanned copies, or do they need everything original, and if they need original paperwork what would be the safest way to send if i'm not in the phils.

If any of you can help even a little it would help a lot. Even this is so worth everything it is not easy to be with your family but with your help we are hoping to be together by September. Thank you all so much in advance.