Hello there,

We will be submitting the fiancee visa application in February, while I am in Manila, and have prepared the following documents.

Have I missed any please?

Banks Statements - 6 month
Rented Accommodation Contract (My current address)
Let Property Contract (Property owned)
Land Registry (Property owned)
Employment Letter
Pay Slips - 6 months
Savings account statement

Yahoo conversations printed
Western Union statements
Photos of us together
Birthday Cards etc.
Flight booking emails

Letters of Intent:
Letter, from both us, explaining how we met and that we intend to marry

Marriage Booking:
Appointment Letter from Registry Office

Passport Copy (me)
Passport Original (Jenalyn)
Birth Certificate (Jenalyn)
Passport Photos (Jenalyn)
Printed Application Form

English Language:
TOEIC Test Certificates

TB Screening Certificate

Happy New Year!
