Back to Philippine Immigration today. 13a - THE INTERVIEW, piece of cake: I was asked my age and Lolita's age that's the only questions I was asked. Oh, and my predicted pension. Luckily I had the pension forecast letter with me. I took as an afterthought, and was asked my monthly predicted pension, so I was able to show the paperwork. Other questions Lolita answered. The attorney said I am a very lucky man to have Lolita for my wife. Exactly my own thoughts, yes I am. When attorney was about to scan documents, Lolita piped up,,,,,,,,"he is also lucky to have me sir, as I am a teacher",,,, he replied, "ahh I've no need to bother scanning your documents, I trust you", and added, "I know your income as a teacher, good luck to both of you, please take your documents to the fingerprint area". After fingerprints, we went to Window 43 and were given our claim stub, dated for collection January 2nd 2014.

Now we are deciding whether to go back to Malaybalay or maybe go to Thailand for a week - maybe two - and return by 2nd Jan to collect 13a in Manila before returning to Malaybalay.