Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
Sounds quite reasonable to me and once bitten twice shy as they say
Many guys like to rush into marriages with some beautiful babe and a few years down the road they end up counting the cost with divorce papers served along with a claim on their property
After being taken to the cleaners the CSA come in for any money you had left or intended to earn
My house is nearly paid for and it not going to be put on "offer" to anyone
Time for you to be as mercenary as them and stick to your own agenda

Its not the end of the world and many fun times can still be had
Luckily for me the state are going to give her an house..there's no money in my house as it was on a interest only which looks like cld of saved my bacon..I'll continue coughing up 20% each month but, I'll still got enough to pay off my house on a repayment mortage and have a life with my loved ones. If i was still loaded, I'd be back over Phil again doing what I don't do best ..The bank will be taking it instead

I appreciate your post LM