Videos and voyeurism go hand in hand, and while the Internet does teem with amateur sex scandals and horrible, horrible singing, there are more noble reasons to upload stuff on YouTube. Caught-in-the-act crime videos - via phone cams or CCTV - have become a great way to caution netizens about certain modus operandi, as we call criminal "standard operating procedures" here.

Below are 7 examples of how on-cam monitoring can be a force for good. (Oh, and one thing in common with most of these videos: the crime happens ridiculously fast, so keep your eyes open!)

1. Snatcher at España

Jeepneys’ long windows aren’t just for ventilation; they’re also a way for thieves to pluck your valuables away. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in between people you trust. It’s best to watch your back, too.
