it doesn't seem to matter at all the age difference,

there are bad apples in every bunch, but generaly i would say they are more faithful and caring than our western women,

be sure that she wants you for the right reasons, and not for money, which it doesn't look that way, seeing as how you will loose half your house wealth to your ex, plus she doesn't want a visa to come live with you, so i would say that looks good,

give some thought to the fact that medical care is private there, and your getting older,with respect to that, keep money aside for emegency,

i had one led me on for over 3 years,

but i am glad to say i have met my diamond at last,

i too am going to live with her, i am selling up here in uk,and expect to start my new life there this september, like you i am 59 also, my asawa is 10 years younger,

for me i think go for it , you only live once