Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Why ?
Does it impact the choice of software ?
What are these privacy tools supposed to do?
Well of course it affects what options are available to you and the effort/resources you put in.

For example go to Google or bing maps and see if it can locate you from your devices mac address?

If you just want to avoid mal ware and adverts it's easy enough to do but if you don't want the large companies bulidings a file on you it might be to late and possibly family and friends may have passed on data about you unwittingly already.

Some people join up to Facebook (or similar services) enter their email address and or telephone number numbers plus name, basic location plus have used their normal is and with out adding friends wonder how it knows who you might want to add..

If your phone number or email address and other data like say your birthday is added by a friend on their address book/contacts list it doesn't matter what you do they the big companies will mine that data.

Facebook recently as many app companies have had bugs where accidently they suck up contact books on smart devices..