Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
How soon can i submit the ILR application after being here or so i have to wait the 5 years as i am on the new system which came in to force last April 2012.

Since my wife arrived here last December i have not logged on here much and i think i need to keep up to date with what is going on.
Rory, the so-called 'new rules' were implemented 9th July 2012

Anyone being granted visa leading to settlement after that date will be following a basic 5 year immigration journey.

If your wife arrived December 2012 under old rules she will have an initial visa to remain here which has a vaidity of 33 months.
Shortly before the first period of 30 months living in UK has been reached she should then apply for a further period of 30 months under FLR(M)

Shortly before the 60 month (5 year) qualifying period ends she will be eligible to apply for ILR
Taking December 2012 as the base, she will be looking to apply for ILR sometime November 2017