Quote Originally Posted by wtsbob View Post
Well I don't know how you found out I was on that site or what particular business it was of yours, unless you were also trolling the same site which makes you someone who is calling the kettle black! If you are interested, I am into the S&M lifestyle and am on several other kinky sites just like thousands of other people both men and women from all walks of life. On this site I was just looking for a vanilla lady but now the cat's out of the bag and there happens to be a Filipino girl or any other race under the sun, who would like to volunteer her services as a submissive, I'm not prejudiced, bring her on. Thanks for the smiley with the whip!!!
Well, being a Filipina myself, I know that the majority of the Filipina members here won't be interested in being your vanilla lady (I know what that means coz I've read 50 Shades of Grey). 50 Shades of Grey is a hit among the Filipinas but that doesn't mean most of them would engage to something that you want them to be (there might be a few but unless you are the Christian Grey they are looking for, a young, rich and attractive looking guy that the book portrays, then good luck to you). Filipinas, here in the forum at least, are looking for serious relationships and not just a sex object. You can stay away from this forum if that's what you are looking for. We don't offer the services you want.