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Thread: hello

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    hi everyone,,,,, i am new on here,,,,
    primarilly i am here to gain some information, which i may be better seeking on an other part of this site ,
    if i can briefly out line the situation and if anybody can give any usefull information i would much appreciate it,,,,
    i " met " a girl ( Filipino obv . ) through the internet now over six months ago and have been communicating regularly via txt and also some skype and web cam sites,, she is a nurse and has been working abroad and is now completed her contract and is heading home this week,, we have decided that we should meet and are considering the alternative ways of doing this,,,,,,,, obv the easiest way is for me to jump on a plane and go to manila, bur firstly i am not able to get two or three weeks absence from work and secondly , i am a bit concerned about my security once there ( sorry if any offence , none meant ),,,,,,, the other possibility is that she come here,, as we all know this is not easy,, with a few possibilities there also, a general visitor or a sponsored visitor,, with a general visitor i believe details of hotels ,etc have to be provided,,,,,,,,,with a sponsored visitor, i can provide documents like bank statement and tenants agreement,,as we have never met we have no photographs or the like,, also " purpose of visit " question will be asked,, will an internet relationship be ok or frowned upon,,,,,,,, i believe an interview with the manila embassy can cost 500 pounds with no guarantee of success,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    any help anyone,,,,,,,,R

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    welcome to this friendly forum nnomad

    aberdeen your a neighbour

    you found the right place for help and good honest information,

    probably your better to go visit her, visitors visa for her to come here is hard to get,
    others will be along who know more than myself,who can help with your questions

  3. #3
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    thanks mate,,, waiting more replies.....

  4. #4
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    Aberdeen. I spent about 6 years up there until about a year ago. Also spent many a year passing through on the way to the heliports etc.


    I was in a similar position earlier last year and I went out to the Philippines to meet her. She is from Cavite which is safe / secure enough.

    My first trip out there was for just 10 days. Not a full 2 weeks. We later wed in Phils and she is here in Britain as we speak.

    I visited her before I actually discovered this forum but many folk on here recommend visiting her rather than the other way round, as no visa is required for you or I to go out there if the trip is for less than 21 days.

    Evidently visitors visas aren't easy to get, to the UK.

  5. #5
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    thanks for the message mate,,,,,,, yes going out there is easy enough but really trying to get her here somehow , and she quite fancies a trip here as her sister is also here,, R

  6. #6
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    On the question of security. When I was there I was either at a resort or in a hotel or with my wifes family. Pontential concerns were road safety and money. My wife always ensured that I didnt flash money around and I always had someone else with me when I was at an ATM. We visited a place called Baclaran at one point and my wife told me to make sure I kept a tabs on my wallet but I did the same if I ever visited the Barrowlands in Glasgow or the like. On the roads thing we hired a driver with minibus (what my wife calls a van) so we didnt have to worry on that score. Other than that I was safe enough.

    I never had a problem with security in any of the hotels I stayed at either in Manila or otherwise.

  7. #7
    Member Loidaseminiano's Avatar
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    nnomad welcome to the forum very intersting to read your post here. My fiance and i also meet in the internet in short the relationship build thought the online like skype, ym,facebook,phone call text and e mails.After about 8 months he came visit me in Singapore where i work after we meet i decided to go back to Philippines to apply fiancee visa as we meet all the documents they are asking after exactly one month they issue me a visa and now am in the uk living with my fiance. If u decided to bring your girlfriend here why dont u make a move go meet her in Phil bcoz meeting is important to satisfy the ECO that you and girlfriend are in genuine relationship as lastlid say its not easy to get visit visa i agree with him.. Have a great day to you xxxx

  8. #8
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    ha ha , i am well familiar with the "barras ". but at least there i can blend in,,,,,,,, security is really secondary at the moment, getting leave from work is the real problem,, i really need feed back on the visa issue, i have heard that to have actually met is a prerequisit to obtaining one,, or is that just for fiance visa,,,, ta R

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ......... i have heard that to have actually met is a prerequisit to obtaining one,, or is that just for fiance visa,,,, ta R
    Not only that you have met but you also have to effectively prove that you have met.

    I visited my wife for 10 days in the first instance in April last year. Then married her in Phils in June. Applied for her visa in September and she arrived here in October.

    I believe that for both the Fiancee visa and Spouse visa the applicant, your gf or wife, has to submit documentary proof of having met in person.

  10. #10
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    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    I'm in much the same situation as yourself, although I have been to the Phils many times already.

    Get yourself on a plane. It's the only realistic way to go about it.

    I'll be going there to meet my girlfriend for the first time mid-February.

    Just get as much time off as you can.

    I feel safer in the Philippines than I do on an average Saturday night out in most large towns in this country.
    It's not an issue that should put you off and there'll be plenty of advice here on the forum for your trip once you've decided to go.

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    save all your emails, skype,msn,, yahoo ,messages, plane tickets reciepts and anything of proof like photos when you are there with her, hotel bills ect, you will need them for the engagement,, marrage visa

  12. #12
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    It's better to fly to Philippines and meet up with your girl, it's easier that way.... And by the way, welcome to the forum

  13. #13
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    I agree with Donnah....the best to get to know her if you'll fly down here, go around the country, enjoy sceneries, and meet new friends....at least coming here is that you'll learn the culture, the people, and you'll get to know your gf more better....but whatever you will decide, goodluck and also let me welcome you to the forum
    love makes life worth living

  14. #14
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    hi every one,, and thank you for your encouragment,,,,,,,,,,,,, i can see that the general opinion is for me to go to Phillips, but that at the moment is not really possible hence why i am seeking advice on getting my friend over here, which would suit both of us much better,,, she has invited me over there and i suspect that eventually i will be going. thank you R ( and M )

  15. #15
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi nnomad to be totally honest the chances of getting your gf a visit visa is virtually imo

    The reasons being

    (1) not having met

    (2) difficulty in proving the relationship is genuine

    (3) proving your gf wiil return to the phils when the visa is due to expire

    (4) proving your gf has ties & commitments in the phils ie owning property, employment, family ie children

    So my advice to you if you are serious about the relationship is a trip to the phils as myself & many of the other members have all experianced.

    Hope this helps with your situation.

  16. #16
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    hi Steve, thanks for that mate,,, but if i may,, there is no mention or suggestion on the visitors visa of any " relationship ",,, and she has a job in Philli, she " is " just a visitor,,,, i am trying to circumvent any rejections because i believe every consular ( or what/who ever ) interview /apointment costs near on 450 pounds !!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    hi everyone,,,,, i am new on here,,,,
    primarilly i am here to gain some information, which i may be better seeking on an other part of this site ,
    if i can briefly out line the situation and if anybody can give any usefull information i would much appreciate it,,,,
    i " met " a girl ( Filipino obv . ) through the internet now over six months ago and have been communicating regularly via txt and also some skype and web cam sites,, she is a nurse and has been working abroad and is now completed her contract and is heading home this week,, we have decided that we should meet and are considering the alternative ways of doing this,,,,,,,, obv the easiest way is for me to jump on a plane and go to manila, bur firstly i am not able to get two or three weeks absence from work and secondly , i am a bit concerned about my security once there ( sorry if any offence , none meant ),,,,,,, the other possibility is that she come here,, as we all know this is not easy,, with a few possibilities there also, a general visitor or a sponsored visitor,, with a general visitor i believe details of hotels ,etc have to be provided,,,,,,,,,with a sponsored visitor, i can provide documents like bank statement and tenants agreement,,as we have never met we have no photographs or the like,, also " purpose of visit " question will be asked,, will an internet relationship be ok or frowned upon,,,,,,,, i believe an interview with the manila embassy can cost 500 pounds with no guarantee of success,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    any help anyone,,,,,,,,R
    Hi there nnomad,

    Just to focus on your post and questions raised.

    The visit visa is a very low cost option. There is no requirement for any interview. Even applications for settlement do not involve interviews
    I have no idea where the £500 cost came from but that also is just not the case.
    The visit visa is currently only about £76

    As a very first step, why not take a look at the UKBA website for visit visa. It will provide you and your friend with up to date and accurate information on what they (UKBA) require as support for a visit visa.

    Take a look Look here and follow the links then you can ask specific question on the issues you to clarification or help with.

    As mentioned, the Visit Visa a low cost so hence low risk. It's always worth the application effort.
    The key issues for your friend will be:-

    - Convincing the ECO (Entry Clearance Officer) that she has no intention of being a migrant or overstaying her visa expiry. This means showing 'sufficient' evidence that her ties to home (Philippines), outweighs any benefits in not returning from UK.
    Just think of all the common sense areas such as employment, family, property etc.

    - Convincing the ECO that she has sufficient funding to cover the stated duration and purpose of the visit.

    You mentioned that she has already a sister here in UK? This could be the basis for a Family visit visa which often has higher success rate.

    Take some time to review the UKBA website and follow the links.

    Whichever route she wishes to take there are plenty of forum members who will help to get the best chance for any visit application.

  18. #18
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    " Terpe ",, thank you very very much, this is the kind of help i am looking for ( no disrespect to everyone else ) i have been onto the UKBA website but i found it quite vague,, eg. it says for a sponsored visa all that is required is a copy of sponsors bank account,,,,i cant believe that is all !!! i will go back on and try what you suggest... the 500 is what her sister said tho i suspct she may be confusing with something else,,, i have no doubt about their honesty !!! a visitors visa, i believe , is in some ways more complicated as in that some sort of itinery , hotel bookings , places of visit etc, can be required whereas for sponsored i only have to show bank statment, tho i have also been told i need to show tennants agreement and utility bills,,,,,,,,,,, what you think,, R (M )

  19. #19
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    " terpe ",, ( or anyone else ),,, will a photo copy of,, letter of invitation, passport, bank statment and tennancy agreement be sufficient or will originalls be required,, or is email acceptable,, ta R ( and M )

  20. #20
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    The UKBA do ask for originals. But some folk on the forum have successfully submitted good photocopies. Personally I would submit originals, except for your passport, so that you don't give the UKBA an excuse to refuse the visa, minimising the risk of refusal, especially at £800 a pop.

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    hi everyone,,,,, i am new on here ,,,,

  22. #22
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    " terpe ",, ( or anyone else ),,, will a photo copy of,, letter of invitation, passport, bank statment and tennancy agreement be sufficient or will originalls be required,, or is email acceptable,, ta R ( and M )
    I have succesully used emailed scans for everything, I guess at the end of the day we got an ECO who could see we had a good relationship too we ticked the box "have you lived together" which we had done whilst I was working in Kuala Lumpur.
    Obviously for a visit visa they key is showing she has full intention to return after the trip to you - as all have said I think you should certainly look at a visit - I liked Manila found it an ok place to go to - good nightlife - always stayed in the Resorts World Marriot which is a great hotel with a few bars/clubs on its doorsteps - the malls (greenbelt) is great, you just have to keep an eye on your posessions..

    Maybe if you go out there you could take a trip to a resort I found a very nice looking place a bus ride away on the south of the island Manila is based on - what you need to think about is doing some things out of the ordinary. Travel and see the sights a little and get to know the girl outside of her normal environment so that you can really get to know her.
    If after this trip you decide to apply for a visa for her to come here you got to know deep in your heart she is the one because its a lot of effort and cost to bring her to the UK. I am hopefully not telling you what you already know or feel, just friendly advice.


  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    'R' ... as you've "signed" your introductory post ... ideally, we'd ALL like to have our Filipina girlfriends *visit us here in the first instance - principally to provide them with an opportunity of sampling a vastly different culture to that which they'd previously been accustomed to in the Phils - so as to determine their feelings about living in the UK permanently, should a relationship show promise of developing from the virtual stage into something more lasting.

    Indeed, a few years ago, I, myself, was one of those initially looking into just such a possibility ... leading me to join this forum - which very soon taught me the best way forward - for which I'm eternally grateful.

    Reading your various posts, I see you're already aware of the obstacles involved ... and WHY, sadly, *it's easier said than done.

    Having worked abroad as a nurse - then returning to the Philippines - does place your g/f in a better position than most. It clearly demonstrates evidence of SOME immigration history. Moreover, you mention [#5] 'M' (as you later refer to her ... reminding me of James Bond's boss! ) has a sister in this country ... so a 'Family Visit Visa' might be an option worth considering - making sure you "play down" the romantic angle between the two of you - since the latter is likely to "carry more weight".

    There's little else, I can add to the advice you've already had from the other respondents ... except to wish you good luck with whatever you decide in the end.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    The UKBA do ask for originals. But some folk on the forum have successfully submitted good photocopies. Personally I would submit originals, except for your passport, so that you don't give the UKBA an excuse to refuse the visa, minimising the risk of refusal, especially at £800 a pop.
    what is the "800 qd a pop " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. #25
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    what is the "800 qd a pop " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the fee ukba charge for spouse or fiance visa aplication


  26. #26
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    i believe an interview with the manila embassy can cost 500 pounds with no guarantee of success,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ... nonsense! Where did that erroneous piece of information come from? Sure, 550 quid WAS the cost of Settlement Visas [normally, fiance(e) Spouse or other dependant] as recently as 2009 - when MY wife applied - although, as pointed out, it has since increased to £850 "a *pop" (*to use the expression quoted). And, only RARELY, nowadays, are applicants required to be interviewed.

    But you're not at that stage yet! Short-term visit visas (usually valid for 6 months) amount to a mere fraction of that cost [approximately one tenth] so - with a lot less to lose, financially - it's sometimes worth taking a gamble if you've a reasonably strong case ... as you seem to have if you follow the guidance given to you by others.

  27. #27
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    phew !!!! i have already been advised that a visitor visa is around 80 qd so the 800 was a bit of a shock !!! thanks again everybody,,,, but , me going to philli at present is not really a viable option,, ( i am not prepared to loose my job when there may be an alternative !! )

  28. #28
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I totally hear what you're saying.

    Now I am not the expert on this (a search will show I've asked for guidance on visitor visas too), however -

    If she has a job over in phils.

    You say she's a nurse, has she a qualification in this? (I'm thinking, isn't that one of jobs in demand in the UK anyway? I don't know, but I have an Indian friend who came over here to work as a nurse. It's just - it might be rather useful if you "click" and marry and she wants to find work)

    Does she own property in Phils?

    Has she got a decent amount of savings? (I'd have guessed yes if she's been working away, as I'm often told when you work as an expat, you tend to save as you're working in places it's not worth spending money in)

    If she can tick all those boxes above, well people go on vacations. Loads of people will be wanting to come over here for the Olympics for example. It MIGHT be an idea for her to apply for the family visit thing as already mentioned. Just don't mention you in her application

  29. #29
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    thanks bud,, does not own prop in phils, stays in family home when there,,,,,,,,,not sure about savings ( never asked !! ) but nurses in saudi are not that well paid ) i had thot about finding her nursing post in UK , but dont even know where to start, ( maybe google !! ) family,,, sis stays london area but size of house and income will not support application, ( i dont think they accept sleeping on a couch as satisfactory ,, even your sisters !!!,, ) as you say , " people go on vocation " so why not her ?? ta R

  30. #30
    Respected Member Blesslady's Avatar
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    Welcome to the friendly forum as I was reading your post I get Interested to know what hospital does your girl or girlfriend works in Saudi? and if she plan to work in the U.K as nurse I think she need to register in NMC and alslo need to take IELTS and get score of 7. as one of the requirements.for more info.try to google NMC hehe!..Gudluck!!

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