Hi all just writting this again for advice , or what you would do if in our place, we are going to hong kong dec28th flying from lhr, with cathay, then onwards to manila 3rd of jan then back to hongkong jan 27th then onwards back to lhr same flight sort of, well emma has till may 2012 on her passport with her maiden name on it and we did book the tickets with her maiden name also, we have thought about changing her passport but with this taking 12 weeks that leaves very little time, i have spoke to cathay and they say changing name to married one will not matter as long as you bring all docs with us , but may be a charge, do we stay as we are and change it when we get back , will they allow us to come back with emmas passport finnishing in may2012 or change it all now, and may be charged a fee or the worst case a full ticket price, i have tried looking everywhere for help but some say this some say that, which is no help to me , i wont hold anyone responsible if the answers land us in prisonor deported