hi everyone i was here looking for advice over a year ago i think it is now, I had been getting to know a philipino lady, at first i was looking for advice on visa ect for her to come to uk, she works in israel, in november 2009 i was diagnosed with cancer,ill from january2010 for almost a year, which stopped any plans we had, also the plan had changed to me going to live in philipines with her, i had a real bad year fighting this cancer the cheemo was hard to cope with, almost dying 4 times, but im blessed the cancer is gone now,my idea is to rent my house here to provide some income for at least the 1st year, if all is good and i cope with philpine climate i will sell after that year,, now my question id like help with please if anyone can, i will marry in philipines, i understand that if no pre marital agreement is made that in philipines , on a reationship breaking up you keep what you had before the reationship, would that apply to my house or do i need an agreement written up here in uk? i figured for that 1st year to protect what i have, after doesnt matter, also that if anything happen to me , there would be no high leagel fees between countrys for my wife, should house need selling urgent, to pay for my medical fees should i get ill,, it would be better that my daughter here could deal with this, and she would make sure my wife got what she entitled to ect,
hope someone can help ,, thanks stewart