My brother’s progress has continued over the past 2 weeks and he is doing well. He is now regularly taken to a public park in his wheelchair where he enjoys watching the activity around him as well as visiting the ice cream van. This weekend, he was also able to watch his son playing on the play equipment, which he really enjoyed. He’s made a mental note of the name of the local pub which we pass on the way to the park, some days he remembers it and others he doesn’t.

As the wheelchair has increased his mobility, he’s been making friends in the nursing home with some of the residents that are a bit more compos mentis than those in the young persons dementia unit (who are all under 65). His latest new friends are two lovely spring chicks who are both over 80 years old and they were all having a whale of a time in the garden when I arrived mid week. It was wonderful to see!

It’s been a long time since I’ve had to handle a wheelchair but it has given me a new insight into the state of some of our footpaths and how difficult it is to get on and off them sometimes. Also the difficulties in taking a wheelchair into a shop that has a step ...... things taken for granted by the more able of us, but a real challenge for those that aren’t.