I saw this tv show today and it's about extra-marital affairs. The husband apparently fell out of love and surprised the wife with a divorce. Made me think if my husband would do the same to me when the time comes... specially when I am older and when everything in my body goes down... lol

I mean, how can a sweet, loving husband just suddenly fell out of love and asked for separation? There should be at least signs of love falling apart right? And in this tv show, there wasn't any sign.. or at least the wife doesn't see any.

I can only think of these reasons why marriages break down:

1. Financial
2. Abuse - emotional, physical, psychological
3. and the most common perhaps, the other woman/man

In that tv show, there was the other woman. How can a woman go so so so low that she has allowed herself to "fall in love" with a married man? I mean, I have been courted by married men before but I choose not to fall in love with them. My conscience and my morals just can't seem to stomach it. That's why I always believe that love is a decision. You decided to love someone no matter what, thus you decided to get married.. but deciding to fall in love with a married man or someone who has a gf? But then, who am I to judge.

For the wives/gf's here... just thinking.... is it the wife's/gf's fault if the husband is philandering? or is it the mistress' fault?

In my humble opinion, it is the (other) woman's fault... especially if she knows that the man is married or in a relationship... uurggghhh... utterly disgusting! Anyway, that's just me... hehehe

Any views?