Have you ever thought about what the likely cost would be, if you wanted to court a Filipina with a view to an eventual marriage, few actually count the cost, if you haven’t thought about it, maybe its time you did, because in many cases, you will need to treat this like a project, why do I say this, well for one thing, the cost of courting a Filipina and taking it to eventual marriage, can have an adverse effect on your wallet, so do you have deep pockets, hmm you might need them.

I don’t want to scare anyone, that is not my intention, because in truth, even if you don’t have lots of savings, you can actually take this process stage by stage, and if you are that keen to marry a Filipina, you can save up for each stage as it comes, however, this can also go to lengthen the process for many, however the Immigration process can be quite expensive so, I have posted a timeline with actual real time expenses to show readers what is involved.

Before you jump in with both feet, my suggestion is simple, you should sit down and do some calculations and see where you are, see if you have the necessary funds and or income to go through with this type of project.

I will list first the one time expenses, these are expenses that you will probably only spend money on once, but are a necessary step.

Your one time visit to the Philippines to meet your loved one, this is a requirement that you must have met your intended, this is the minimum requirement for a VAF2 2003 Fiancée visa. This cost includes Round trip air tickets to Manila/Cebu, accommodation, food, trips, etc £2000-£3000.00
A Return trip should you choose to marry in the Philippines, this could include Round Trip air tickets, Accommodation, Food, Honeymoon, Wedding costs, etc the cost for this one off expense is around £3000.00 - £4000.00
Passport photos needed along the way. £10.00
Passport photos required for you in various forms needed by authorities in Philippines around £15.00
Cost of submitting An Application on VAFW 2003 for either a fiancée visa or a spouse visa is £260.00
Cost of obtaining a CNI (Certificate of no Impediment to marriage) in UK, the cost is around £30.00
Cost of obtaining a local CNI (Legal Capacity for marriage) in the Philippines - cost will be around £25.00
Cost of round trip tickets for you and your loved one to travel from Provinces to attend CFO Seminar (Commission for Filipinos overseas) in Manila/Cebu including hotel. Cost around £150.00
Cost of CFO Seminar £2.00
Cost of new Passport for your loved one, approximately £35.00
Cost of Applying for duplicate birth certificates at NSO (National Statistics office) in Philippines is circa £25.00
Cost of Marriage License in locality of Marriage if in Philippines £35.00
Cost of Air Ticket for your loved one to Come to UK once visa is approved, from £650.00 to £1000.00
Cost of buying her a cell phone considering that she made need one to contact you regularly, £150-300.00 depending on model.
One time cost of buying warm clothes associated with her transit to a colder climate, new Boots, winter clothes, jackets, coats, umbrella, mittens, scarf, woollies, Electric blanket for the bed, she will freeze ! Money for her to bring a Rice cooker ! She has to cook rice ! Cost around £500.00
Cost of round trip ticket for possible 2nd visit to be available to British Embassy should your presence be required at interview for settlement (VAF2003) Cost including hotels, food, gifts, expenses, £2000-£3000.
She might want to throw a leaving party for all her friends, work colleagues, and family cost likely to be around £50.00 to £100.00

Ongoing expenses during a courtship with a Filipina on a monthly basis.

Provision of Sustento, possibly to maintain her in a apartment now that she is your fiancée monthly cost could be from £20.00 to £100.00 per month
Fiancée or spouse allowances anything from £50.00 to £500.00 depending on circumstances (This is a requirement if being interviewed at British Embassy, showing evidence of support.)
Phone cards during courtship period, visa processing, and other associated calls, cost per month to be around £100.00
Assistance with her going on more regular occasions to internet café’s £20.00 a month.
New clothes, hair visits, nails and general beauty treatments, can be taken from allowance monthly.
Cost of birth control when you are visiting the Philippines (don’t laugh) it’s a requirement, unless you want a little more evidence of relationship than you expected ! (come on guys, that was damn funny, lighten up a little ) Cost £5.00 per month.

Costs associated with New Filipina wife or Fiancée in UK.

Costs of increased telephone usage during first few months when she arrives in UK - calling cards, BT, NTL World, etc, bills increase rapidly cost around £100-£400.00 per month.
Costs of obtaining special foods for her like, trips to Manila Supermarket, trips to fish markets, etc, obtaining Asian foods, extra cost £100.00 per month.
Costs of her own special allowance if on Fiancée visa, (she cannot work) around
£??? To £???
Extra costs incurred if she wants to all of a sudden learn to drive ? Cost £100.00 to
£250.00 per month for lessons, extra insurances for your car, upping your no claims bonus premium from reasonable to extortionate.
Extra costs if she wants a new car ?? £???? To £?????
Costs of initial 2 months together, entertainment, showing her around, taking her to London, or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cardiff, or Birmingham, or Edinbrough or Glasgow, etc etc, in other words, its costs money to take her around, this will be almost like another dating period costs £??? Who knows ??

As you can see, its impossible to put down to paper all the costs involved in pursuing a Filipina, but I will say this, whatever you decide to do, think carefully, its only fair to her and fair to you, “Its not cheap to court a Filipina”, you are not going to get a woman of this quality on the cheap, so I hope this has helped, and even when you have spent all of this money, its not always guaranteed that you are going to get the woman of your dreams, you heard the phrase “You pays your money, you takes your chances” well this is certainly true, I hope this gives you some insight into what is involved, best of luck with what you decide to do, in my estimation its going to cost you around £10,000 to £15,000 to successfully court a Filipina over a period of from six months to 2 years, depending on various factors.

This cost of course can be spread over a long period, however the cost roughly will work out to be the same whichever way you do it, either you have the savings, or you earn it as you go along.

Ouch Ha ha ha that hurts !!!!!