View Full Version : Sir Al

9th May 2008, 15:13
HMMM Seems long time that Fred didnt post on here,where is he??? i remember him cause i was previously pass by on our old thread....lol and i know u met each other in manila ...:)


9th May 2008, 18:31
I was wondering where Fred was, i think i remeber reading he was off on a trip.

Or did Sir Al of Oldham .... :Erm: :omg:

9th May 2008, 18:51
Kuya Fred....:iagree:

9th May 2008, 19:04
Didn't he post something on here today, or did I dream that? :Erm:
Maybe it was somebody replying to an old post?...I'm totally confused now. :Rasp:

9th May 2008, 19:24
Fred was here 10 hours ago, was replying to a thread.

9th May 2008, 20:03
Fred was here 10 hours ago, was replying to a thread.

Blimey what a memory could you tell me where i left my nifty black gel pen i mislaid today:Erm:

9th May 2008, 21:06
Blimey what a memory could you tell me where i left my nifty black gel pen i mislaid today:Erm:
You know that scouser that walked past you? ............ :rolleyes:

9th May 2008, 22:04
You know that scouser that walked past you? ............ :rolleyes:

I thought that was odd to see a scouser with a pen in his hand and not be in a benefit office:omg:

I should have notice someone in Landan not looking miserable and moody in fact even smiling had to be a some one from up norf:doh

10th May 2008, 01:38
Fred was here 10 hours ago, was replying to a thread.

Oh yeah huh i visit my members list saw his last visit :D hehehe well he is seldom to post now unlike before :D

10th May 2008, 08:19
Actually, Fred, or to give him his real name, Jervais Marmaduke, is really a secret agent working for MI6.

He is currently on a top secret mission, posing as a rice polisher in a Bactrian camel Sanctuary in Mongolia.

His address is, of course, HIGHLY secret, and I for one CERTAINLY would not know how to find 41, Bakolinik Street, Khovd, Mongolia. Tel: 043 49682 (Ask for Julie.)

The exact nature of his mission is known only to Fred, although there are VERY strong rumours that he is investigating the largest ever counterfeit watch export business. Once again, the rumour is that these watches, actually worth about 1p, are destined for an unknown address in Wales, in the UK.

Last I heard from Fred, he was a little shaken (But not stirred) as he had recently had two attempts on his life. One by a crazed Mongolian gunman who seemed to have lost his mind completely because his new watch wouldn't work. The second attempt was an accident when he was shot in the leg by Harrison Ford who mistook him for Sean Connery.

I hope this clears up the mystery of the missing Fred - I am sure we all wish him God speed and a safe return to our family.


P.S. This bloody new watch has stopped AGAIN!!

P.P.S. Alternatively, Fred could be in Bohol.

10th May 2008, 09:10
I heard rumours he was pregnant with Al's baby :yikes: STAY OFF THE BEER!!! :cwm24:

10th May 2008, 13:52
I didn't quote on your thread sir Al but oh my gosh u make me laugh so loud


did u keep the receipt of the watch u bought ??? cause u had the right to return


10th May 2008, 14:50
did u keep the receipt of the watch u bought ??? cause u had the right to return


No he :furious3: doesn't.......not that I have any idea where he bought it :rolleyes:

10th May 2008, 18:24
I heard rumours he was pregnant with Al's baby :yikes: STAY OFF THE BEER!!! :cwm24:


No he :furious3: doesn't.......not that I have any idea where he bought it :rolleyes:


11th May 2008, 04:54
I was in a bar just yesterday (cant tell you which bar as Id have to kill you) Casually sat next to a very attractive woman.
I give her a quick glance, then I casually look at my watch .
The woman notices this and asked me,
"Is your date running late?"
"No", I replied, "I am here alone. I was just testing my state-of-the-art watch" (Classified info as disclosed by Sir Al)
The intrigued woman asked, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?"
"It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," I explained.
"What's it telling you now?" She asked
"Well, it says you're not wearing any panties..."
Trying hard to outwit me the woman quipped, "Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!"
I tapped the watch,and said to her
"Damn thing must be an hour fast"

Jervais Marmaduke...
location: undisclosed asian jungle..(with bar facilities,no AC)
Rather nervous as real name compromised by so called friend.:Help1:

11th May 2008, 05:03

good to see you back fred, that was some :censored: up, you've not been around much :Erm:

hows life there, honeymoon period over yet ? not missing the uk :icon_lol:, my stepson was so :BouncyHappy::cwm12: happy to go back to the phils, even happy to go back to palawan from laguna (cost cutting on our part :D)

11th May 2008, 05:13
Hi Joe..
Im in Bohol..(honeymoon period part 2)
Just about to start building a nipa hut made out of steel.
Will post pictures as I get them..
No internet on our island so can only reply if theres room on carabao on its monthly trip to town.


11th May 2008, 05:23

wow, well its been really sunny and hot here, nearly all week... :yikes:

well you better not miss that carabao..

i'll be there one day to :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th May 2008, 11:00
welcome back, Kuya Fred..hope we can visit ur nipa hut made of steel someday...:)

11th May 2008, 14:17
wow !! saw u now lol

take care on your honeymoon 2 :Hellooo:

we just missed u here on the forum :D

11th May 2008, 19:44
Been cloudy here for 3 days....thunderstorm has lasted 2 hrs so far!!

12th May 2008, 13:36
Been cloudy here for 3 days....thunderstorm has lasted 2 hrs so far!!


12th May 2008, 14:03
25C Now......I'm making a cooked lobster look white :cwm24: