View Full Version : 28,000 Filipino jobseekers barred from leaving airport

23rd December 2018, 16:41
We all know they want to earn money to support their families but some wil be abused and surely it's only right those that are non-compliant with requirements can not leave :cwm25:


24th December 2018, 02:10
Robbing b'd fake agencies, etc. Over-zealous officials. Many and varied reasons.

Though there is a whole region I would bar innocent female Filipinos from being sent off to, into what amounts to modern-day slavery, and often horrific abuse. Something they are NOT likely to report back to their family... especially if married.

The Philippines government needs to reduce their reliance upon remittances from this global cheap labour force, and create some proper jobs back home ! Of course so many of those in power benefit from the current 'system', that that is not going to happen anytime soon. :NoNo: