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View Full Version : Sex at over 60..

Harry T
10th August 2017, 08:41
This headline caught my attention. These woman say that they indulge in sexual activity several times a month :biggrin:. Being relatively new to retirement, I say anything to help reduce boredom gets a vote from me, and hey, I'm UP :biggrin: for it..


Arthur Little
10th August 2017, 11:17
This headline caught my attention. These woman say that they indulge in sexual activity several times a month :biggrin:. Being relatively new to retirement, I say anything to help reduce boredom gets a vote from me, and hey, I'm UP :biggrin: for it..


At least the one who's 'sixty~nine',
Has not ... yet :cwm25: ... passed the stage
Where her body's still able to align
Itself with her natural age! :biggrin: