View Full Version : Stress of booking a holiday

16th June 2017, 14:28
Where shall we go, how long for, hotel or something else? Do we need a car, do we need food? and on and on it goes.

And all the time I am asking this and trying to plan it, Facebook is on.
What about this place I ask and what do I get back? so and so has short hair now, LOOK!

I need a holiday to get over this one I am trying to plan.

At least the last week I can just chill if I want to.

That's if I get the hire car first.

16th June 2017, 18:39
I know exactly how you feel needing a holiday to get over the holiday, it's a concept I am totally au-fait with. :icon_lol:

16th June 2017, 19:00
I just HATE spending money... end of story. :cwm3: