View Full Version : Middle age spread or just a fat git

12th June 2017, 06:34
We try to eat well, do some sort of exercise and just be content, so why is it my belly seems to be extending all the time.
Yes i can loose weight and after awhile it seems to go back on and my belly seems to get to a size it use to be a few months ago, so is it we get to a size where its the norm no matter how much to try to loose.
Or am i just a fat middle age bloke .

12th June 2017, 07:19
Your muscles aren't as strong as they used to be, try doing sit-ups and leg-raises to strengthen your stomach muscles. If you cant be bothered to do that your going to have to face the fact we are all getting old, at least you can reflect back on the days of youth when your Adonis physique didn't need as much work to keep it in trim :smile:

12th June 2017, 07:27
at least you can reflect back on the days of youth when your Adonis physique didn't need as much work to keep it in trim :smile:

No need to be chasing the girls anymore. :biggrin:

12th June 2017, 14:54
Sorry to all who have read this, but I lied.
I am not fat after reading the health/high chart.
It turns out I am just short for my weight.
So really I should be 6 foot 6 inches for my weight.
Do you think wearing platform shoes will make me look thinner?

12th June 2017, 15:53
At 57 years old I'd say it IS possible to lose wieght and keep it off.
I know my problem started when I got married to my wife,...instead of serving a plate-full at the dinner table she would lay down several trays to which me and the kids were to help ourselves ( buffet style). Now our kids are not big eaters and I certainly wont see food going to waste,..so......

I went on a diet a year or so ago,... surgeon doing my small hernia op says it would be easier for him if I lost a bit weight off my belly (cheeky git).... so I went on a strict diet with my wife too,.. had coconut vinegar on about everything, salads, fish, chicken,...just kept off the tatties, rice or pasta.... I lost 21 k in the space of 4 months (yes I did) lol,.... and presented myself for my operation where the surgeon praised my efforts.
I did manage to keep the weight off for long enough, but my cravings for my wife's buffet style dinners won me over.
Going out to visit her family again in October so the diet will start again this weekend (we have an Indian meal booked for Friday)..


12th June 2017, 17:25
I used to have a 30 inch waist and 46 inch chest, I hit the weights all the time back then. Nowadays I am in the gym 3 times a week, but don't really push myself. I do just enough to keep the middle-aged spread at bay, my waist is now 32 and my chest isn't quite as big as my lats and pecs have shrunk a bit. :NoNo: Yes, I have let myself go. :bigcry:

12th June 2017, 18:35
No idea what size I am, I breathe in to fasten my trousers and all my tee-shirts are XL but just lately they are looking more like a boob tube.

12th June 2017, 22:02
I'm 6'1", 34 " waist now... up from 32 when in my twenties. 65 yrs now.

I don't eat a lot, and am pretty careful about eating healthily. Low fat, low sugar, low salt, no takeaways whatsoever (can't afford em anyway !).

Surprisingly didn't put on much weight after quitting smoking 3 years ago. (80 kilos now).

So much of it is in the genes though. My whole family are all pretty slim. Definitely no fatties.

Always make sure I have a bike ride or a good fast walk every day. I want to live as long as possible !

Michael Parnham
13th June 2017, 07:47
I'm 6'1", 34 " waist now... up from 32 when in my twenties. 65 yrs now.

I don't eat a lot, and am pretty careful about eating healthily. Low fat, low sugar, low salt, no takeaways whatsoever (can't afford em anyway !).

Surprisingly didn't put on much weight after quitting smoking 3 years ago. (80 kilos now).

So much of it is in the genes though. My whole family are all pretty slim. Definitely no fatties.

Always make sure I have a bike ride or a good fast walk every day. I want to live as long as possible !

Here here, good for you Graham well done, I also eat very little, child portions are enough for me and always have been. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th June 2017, 08:05
Here here

Where, where :Erm:

Common mistake to make, but the phrase is actually 'Hear, hear' Michael as in to hear something not where it is :smile:

13th June 2017, 08:56
Where, where :Erm:

Common mistake to make, but the phrase is actually 'Hear, hear' Michael as in to hear something not where it is :smile:

'Ear 'ear :biggrin:

13th June 2017, 08:59
... child portions are enough for me

Share and share alike is another great way of saving money. You know it makes sense. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
13th June 2017, 19:41
Where, where :Erm:

Common mistake to make, but the phrase is actually 'Hear, hear' Michael as in to hear something not where it is :smile:
Oop's :doh