View Full Version : Another general election

11th June 2017, 07:07
My god another general election MAY be on the way and Labour say they would win that one too.
Can the country get through another election, can you , can I.
Myself i would think not again plus i cant be bothered but a Tory i am so i do have to vote to keep Labour out, anyway any one heard anything about Diane Abbott and her illness or fake illness.

11th June 2017, 08:09
any one heard anything about Diane Abbott and her illness or fake illness.
Extreme stupidity isn't an illness its a mindset,for her its most certainly terminal :wink::biggrin:

11th June 2017, 09:17
Extreme stupidity isn't an illness its a mindset,for her its most certainly terminal :wink::biggrin:


11th June 2017, 09:47
Dianne Abbot on Countdown with her amazing pure mathematics :biggrin:

11th June 2017, 10:37
Dianne Abbot on Countdown with her amazing pure mathematics :biggrin:

Its good to have a chuckle :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th June 2017, 11:01
In 1988, Abbott claimed at a black studies conference in Philadelphia that "the British invented racism"

She isn't just a mathematician,she also does gaffes rather well :icon_lol:

11th June 2017, 11:11
In 1988, Abbott claimed at a black studies conference in Philadelphia that "the British invented racism"

She isn't just a mathematician,she also does gaffes rather well :icon_lol:

I wonder, and I don't mean to sound thick here, but racism does that work both ways? like I think the British white person could be on the receiving end of all this stuff, but is that called another name?

11th June 2017, 12:25


How not to answer a question :laugher:


11th June 2017, 13:02
Its amazing can anyone recall any member saying they would press the button if they had too.
But then again if they are not prepared to use it , what have it and pay for it, think of all that extra cash coming in from not spending it on Trident , hang about here , thats what they intend to do scrap trident and use that money to pay for school fees, nurses pay rises, free breakfast for all school children in there first year" DONT PARENTS DO THIS". 20.000 new police officers , buy back the railway ,water and other utilities , pay the new £10 per hour min wage, and uncle tom cobley and all and uncle tom cobley and all.