View Full Version : Who sends money back to the Philippines?

19th May 2017, 14:39
Any members sending money over to the Philippines still?
And if so is it on a regular basis? And what is if for? We know there are members with their loved ones over there so I do understand why you send money over.
But what about the rest, do you send every now and again like a gift or birthdays​, or regularly for their bills?
What about if someone needs something not medical? As we all would send cash for that I am sure.
What about a new phone someone wants, a new motorbike or even a car, do you send money for that? What if it's a loan of a large amount, would you send that too?
We are all different in what we send or don't send, but if it's for something you think they don't need, do you still send the cash anyway?

19th May 2017, 18:36
I think maybe the title should read 'Who doesn't send money back to the Philippines'? We send every month, don't know why and don't ask it's easier... :cwm25:

19th May 2017, 19:26
We dont send every month , but Christmas , birthdays and there may be a bill for something ,but i must add its not sent until i have asked every question about what it is for and when and if i will get it back too.

19th May 2017, 19:40
I was lucky I guess,my boys mum had a very good education,and came from a family with a couple of quid,but I always send lola something for her birthday :smile: I have helped mates over there when they are in deep doo :cwm25: never forget true mates ie people who helped you out without wanting payment :smile:

20th May 2017, 09:03
never forget true mates ie people who helped you out without wanting payment :smile:

I have one true mate, so I may be lucky just having the one, but he has never had to bail me out but I know he would if ever I had to ask, plus I would do the same for him too.

Harry T
20th May 2017, 18:16
Jan never asks, in the 12 months i have known her she has never asked for even 1 php, but i know she has had an amount of Travelling, and had to purchase IDs which she has had to replace, I feel its partly my fault that i was with her when they were stolen, anyway it hasnt cost Jan anything except her time to get things replaced :biggrin:

20th May 2017, 20:05
Jan never asks, in the 12 months i have known her she has never asked for even 1 php, but i know she has had an amount of Travelling, and had to purchase IDs which she has had to replace, I feel its partly my fault that i was with her when they were stolen, anyway it hasnt cost Jan anything except her time to get things replaced :biggrin:

Emma was the same , but how quickly they change :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:.
Thats a JOKE

jeff in phils
21st May 2017, 17:43
We don't send money every month. Birthdays, Christmas, and helping my wife's niece buy college books has been the extent of it. I have no problem sending a little extra if it doesn't put a strain on your own family. If you aren't in a financial position to give money to extended family then you shouldn't worry about it. Your family comes first.. If you have extra money AFTER you pay your bills, and add to your savings then that's ok. But, you shouldn't feel obligated to, or made to feel guilty if you don't. Just my opinion ;)

Harry T
21st May 2017, 20:20
Emma was the same , but how quickly they change :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:.
Thats a JOKE

Hahaha, maybe I have that to come.

sally sanchez
22nd May 2017, 16:04
Hiya! good to be back :)

I do send money/allowance to my father since he lives on his own now ever since my daughter moved out, got married to Mark, a Canadian guy, who is in Manila and will be staying for a year to help my daughter and grandaughter in sorting their papers to go to Canada. The money basically covers to pay for the bills, food & for the 4 doggies, too. Whatever is left that goes for him as his extra. When my husband was still alive we did not, and just send money for emergency. He is 80 yrs old but is quite healthy for his age so no problem for somebody to look after him. Besides, I'm the only one who can afford to. Having said that, I've been supporting the family (mom, dad, & my daughter) ever since so nothing new to me. Just glad to be of help instead of me asking for one

sally sanchez
22nd May 2017, 16:11
Emma was the same , but how quickly they change :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:.
Thats a JOKE

Steve, that's funny hahahaaha

22nd May 2017, 17:02
Welcome back Sally.
Hope you have sorted out all the things that were ahead of you. Have you made your mind up about staying too?

sally sanchez
22nd May 2017, 17:18
Thanks Steve. :) After the ILR, I am taking my time in preparation for me taking the LIUK test but no rush. Been busy doing a bit of clearing here and now, and doing the usual stuff since I got back. Have finished (well almost!) renovating our house in the Phils., so now I plan to stay here for a while and do what needs doing with the house :)

26th May 2017, 16:51
I always send a little money to Mum and I's joint bank account in Ph, not that she needs anything or asked for it but because I am a good child :Rasp::biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
5th July 2017, 08:36
The only time I sent money to Pampanga Maria was during the fourth year of knowing her. Sporadic donations to help with her internet bill.

11th July 2017, 18:03
I think it all depends on our wives family. Some of our wives are shall we say from a very poor family (that is us) with nobody other than my wife working abroad. She is one of six. Others are more lucky maybe they have more than one working abroad or with a good job in the Fil. So there are two or more streams of income that can be directed back home and it takes the pressure off the UTANG.

Both my wifes parents are still alive and both touching 80. One is blind other has a blood pressure that I thought was not surviveable. But they both soldier on. So my wife has to support them totally on her own and the medical bills when they come. Two of the six are her sisters and they live at home with them and look after them. Along with several other cousins that can see that there is always food in the house and so decide to move in. Which is ok to some extent when they are kids but now some of them are in their late teens and early twenties and can see the good life of sitting around all day waiting for that UTANG to come.

Lucky for us at this time we both work. So my wifes salary is hers to do with what she wants and vice versa. She sends a fair chunk of what she earns back home every single month and I feel sorry for her. She should have thousands saved but lives from payday to payday because of them.

To be fair it really gets her down and it effects our own family life. But like others have said she feels it is her duty. I ask what would I do in her situation? Send nothing and let my parents die?....Her money would be nice going towards a new bathroom / kitchen etc but the fact is it will never happen. That is part of being married to a Filipina from a poor family.

I know other Filipina wives who are in a better situation than us that are secretly sending back a small fortune to buy house and lot with cars for their extended families without their husbands even knowing about it or if they do not caring.

11th July 2017, 18:55
I met a Filipino in Canada last year,one of his relatives a niece I think?She is 24 and needs kidney dialysis for life,he is basically screwed as the onus is on him to pay all the medical costs as he is a Canadian citizen,he was a very worried man caught between a rock and a hard place :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
11th July 2017, 20:22

I bet the family in the Phils think he's some kind of tycoon since he moved to Canada.

11th July 2017, 21:30
There's a huge Filipino community in Ottawa. Anyone who has been there can attest to that. He has bought a nice house, largish mortgage on it though. Got a couple of kids who are in college, what can he do? He is basically paying medical bills for his niece for the rest of his life. Utang na loob.