View Full Version : Bloody mobile phones

15th May 2017, 15:08
This morning just about to set of for work and my daughter shouts can you drop me off.
Well after another 15 mins of waiting she came down stairs, "ready let's go", she says.
Right double check I have everything and off we went.
I got to work and thought I would check on here and I pulled out the phone and guess what it was Emma's phone, so where was mine? Yes where I had put it before I was asked for that lift.
Well I rang the house phone and told Em's I had hers and I would pick her up at the usual place when I and her finish work.
"You can't I need my phone", she shouts, "it's got my credit card and the bus pass and £5 in there too, I NEED IT."
So it was a long trip back home and if my daughter's ears were burning it's because I was blaming her.
Now I have told Emma about leaving cards and money in her phone rather than her purse, but like many things she has not taken a blind bit of notice.
If I had left mine then so what, you lot would have had a break from me :biggrin:.
By the way this is how the ex wife was caught out by me taking by mistake her phone and then some bloke texting her and trying to call her.
We live and learn.