View Full Version : Jogging and keeping fit

22nd March 2017, 07:58
You have seen them running or jogging up and down the roads and around the parks too.
They are of all shapes and sizes too, and there costumes too, the colours can blind you.
Anyway this morning there was this runner/ jogger/ walker/jumper on the spotter .
Has anyone ever seen the film "The Blues Brothers", you know the scene where they are in the church and they are being asked " CAN YOU SEE THE LIGHT" from James Brown. thats when he starts to run on the spot for ages then runs fast n the spot but moving slowly down the isle .
Well this bloke was doing just that, he went past us and that took minutes then he came back past us again, it was funny watching him.
But here is something, why do these folk look absolutely knackered they are red faced , hard breathing and spitting then they walk off bow legged and looking drunk too.

22nd March 2017, 11:54
they are red faced , hard breathing and spitting then they walk off bow legged and looking drunk too.

Thats what the Mrs says about me after a decent beach party..

22nd March 2017, 15:15
Thats what the Mrs says about me after a decent beach party..



22nd March 2017, 15:55
Being a very light drinker i shall be the one propping you both up then it seems

24th March 2017, 11:46
I love running,plug your head-phones and off you go,i do the same in the gym,set the incline on the treadmill and off you go.

24th March 2017, 12:24
Given my history I don't want to test my knees at my time of life by jogging on hard surfaces.

I love swimming and do as much as i can. It's not that cheap here for quality facilities but great anyway.
Cycling and walking really help and uplift me.

24th March 2017, 18:30
I usually run 3 or 4 times a week but earlier this month I did my instep tendons in (Planter fasciitis) so I'm not allowed to run or even walk so it's onto the exercise bike but I find that really boring....:cwm25:

24th March 2017, 20:11
plug your head-phones and off you go, i do the same.

I do that too, but its when Emma puts her "where ever in the world housewives" on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th March 2017, 20:12
I am a lazy git, :xxgrinning--00xx3: