View Full Version : Budget day 8th march

7th March 2017, 09:08
Well i wonder whats coming our way tomorrow,
There us to be the time we knew fags and booze and petrol was all going to go up by a few pennies here and there, but that was the good old days,
So what do we expect to happen to the real people.
Will income tax go up or down, will our nat insurance go up to help pay for the NHS.
I have know idea what to expect tomorrow but one thing for sure there is nothing i can do to stop them taking more from me.

7th March 2017, 09:59
Recon fags and booze will get an uplift maybe even fuel...

7th March 2017, 14:01
I have know idea what to expect tomorrow but one thing for sure there is nothing i can do to stop them taking more from me.

Benjamin Franklin was pretty smart. He always said something like Nothing can be certain in this life except death and taxes.....

After today I confirm that....

8th March 2017, 21:04
So any winners or any losers from what has happened today,

Arthur Little
9th March 2017, 01:05
Reckon fags and booze will get an uplift maybe even fuel...

... :anerikke: ... and two of them have - the first, by a WHOPPING 35p! NO surprises there! :NoNo:

9th March 2017, 08:23
Well with not smoking, and very little drinking , I'm all right Jack:laugher: