View Full Version : Who drives a diesel vehicle

25th February 2017, 17:14
It looks like many was ill informed when you went out looking for a new/secondhand car, diesel is the best, you get more miles from the vehicle , its cheaper to tax (not all). and its good for the environment too.
Well you all have been fooled it seems.
A friend has always had diesel cars and he use to laugh at me in my toyota , i get more miles to the gallon and i pay less car tax then you he use to say.
I was in to minds whether to change the car to a diesel one, but i dont do the miles , plus i am happy with what i have.
It will not be long before you will be paying higher vehicle tax again plus maybe going into cities there may be some sort of city tax,

25th February 2017, 19:25
Bring on the hydrogen car....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2017, 19:59
Bring on the hydrogen car....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Would that cost a bomb:biggrin:

26th February 2017, 00:36
Over here,Diesel is cheaper than petrol..So..

Michael Parnham
26th February 2017, 08:41
Diesel is more harmful to health than petrol, luckily in approx. twenty years time I will be breathing cleaner air due to cleaner methods of fuelling transport.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th February 2017, 09:16
Over here,Diesel is cheaper than petrol..So..

To right, and i shall be driving one there too, well that's if they don't put the prices up.