View Full Version : Rob Branton ( Branno )

3rd February 2017, 20:01
Do other members remember Rob, he was from Hull, a bloke who kept himself to himself but once you got to know him he was straight john bull.
Sad news i read today he has died this week, dont have any other news about this, and i know Arthur was a friend on facebook with him.
Another one who seems to have gone too soon, so long my friend.

3rd February 2017, 20:07
I remember branno,seemed a decent enough guy,he wasnt so old was he?

3rd February 2017, 20:09
I just checked,he is on my friends list,has sid james as his avatar.

3rd February 2017, 20:14
Not old at all, and yes sid james was his face on here.
We use to chat on facebook mainly , on his trips back to his wife over in the phils, he use to go for months at a time, and he use to comment on my pictures too, infact he commented on our holiday in Spain the other week, and now just like that hes gone

3rd February 2017, 20:19
He was a builder?He sent me a few PM's when he was on this site,any idea how he passed away because he was next to no age at all.

3rd February 2017, 20:29
I did not even know he was poorly or anything like that, i was just looking on Facebook and one of his friends put a comment on there even though he hates facebook he thought others should know.
He just says that he died this week .
He loved to cook too, many pictures he has sent me while over in the Phils and showing of his dishes that he use to make and teach his nephews how to cook too.
When we became friends he said that he has not many friends as some people dont find his sense of humor quite right, but we got on fine just chatting away .
I shall try to find out more information .

3rd February 2017, 20:44
Yes,please do,its sad that several people on the forum have passed away over time,but we all catch the last ride eventually.

3rd February 2017, 21:16
If i do find anything out i shall put it all on here,
We all have our own problems in life and we all know someone who is struggling with illness , we just have to try and live each day to the best of our abilities and try to enjoy it all .

3rd February 2017, 21:17
If i do find anything out i shall put it all on here,
We all have our own problems in life and we all know someone who is struggling with illness , we just have to try and live each day to the best of our abilities and try to enjoy it all .

Arthur Little
3rd February 2017, 23:48
Do other members remember Rob, he was from Hull, a bloke who kept himself to himself but once you got to know him he was straight john bull.
Sad news i read today he has died this week, dont have any other news about this, and I know Arthur was a friend on facebook with him.
Another one who seems to have gone too soon, so long my friend.

:omg: ... Rob Branton/Branno! :cwm24: ... as Steve has mentioned, he and I were facebook friends. Likewise, while he was a member here too.

:yeahthat:'s sad news, indeed; he's the second former member whose untimely death I've learned of today.

RIP., Rob.

4th February 2017, 02:01
Yes I remember Rob well.
We used to chat a lot. He did have different sense of humor but we seemed to click anyway
Nice bloke. I often thought about him and what he was up to


4th February 2017, 09:29
He died of a heart attack,blocked arteries, it happened so quick i am told.
When we did chat he seemed to be having a great life traveling between his family and his mates here in Hull and seeing his wife over in the Phils.
It really does make you think hard about life and what we may be wanting out of it.
Me well we still have the plan and the only thing that may change is where to call home.
We seem to come up with the same idea lets call it base instead and enjoy the rest of the world for how ever long we want to be certain places

4th February 2017, 09:30
He died of a heart attack,blocked arteries, it happened so quick i am told.
When we did chat he seemed to be having a great life traveling between his family and his mates here in Hull and seeing his wife over in the Phils.
It really does make you think hard about life and what we may be wanting out of it.
Me well we still have the plan and the only thing that may change is where to call home.
We seem to come up with the same idea lets call it base instead and enjoy the rest of the world for how ever long we want to be certain places

4th February 2017, 09:47
Certainly focuses your thoughts,time is the most precious of commodities,heart attack eh?RIP Branno.