View Full Version : Petition is launched to ALLOW President Trump.

31st January 2017, 03:27
PetitionDonald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.


31st January 2017, 08:52
He was voted on by the idiots we are told, just like the idiots who voted britex we are told that too, well may be the Idol lot who did not vote should have voted in the first place, and then we would not be in this great new part of our lives,
Change is as good as a rest they say.

31st January 2017, 11:12
Ah, so does this mean that those other what, 50 million non-immigrant, non-leftie do-gooders on benefits, non-muslim, non-'refugees', and other assorted whiners and parasites get a vote on this ? :Erm:
Not that we should need one.

31st January 2017, 14:16
Funny ain't it you can get a person saying these things and all hell breaks lose, wemans rights, human rights, rights for the cat, you name it people will write it on a placard and protest,.
Well we live in a free world where we can protest within reason,
Right so when a preacher Preachers hate and death to none Muslims, death to British soldiers and so on on the streets where we the none Muslims live, and then there is nothing you can do about it, it's racists if you do, well it's a funny old world we live in ain't it

Arthur Little
31st January 2017, 14:29
Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that oppose our point of view should be gagged.


Hmm, :cwm25: ... free world, free speech ... :anerikke: ... don't seem to be seeing much of either at the moment! :NoNo:

31st January 2017, 14:40
It's not even free to watch it Arthur, TV licence, broadband and so on

Arthur Little
31st January 2017, 15:24
Hmm, :cwm25: ... free world, free speech ... :anerikke: ... don't seem to be seeing much of either at the moment! :NoNo:

............................. :yeahthat:. No doubt some members might be wondering :cwm24: ... what the hell I'm driving at with this statement.

But here is an article + video clip - posted on facebook by a Church of Scotland minister - highlighting one example of the far~reaching consequences arising from President Trump's flight ban:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-38786119 ... :ReadIt:

31st January 2017, 15:46
The world seems to be waking up to the insidious religion known as islam,i would put money on the fact i am the only one on here who has ever actually chatted one-to-one with a genuine radicalised muslim,he seemed real friendly,very normal except he constantly turned the conversation to religion,and yup he always professed islam is a religion of peace,right up the time he blew himself up,i saw his martyr video,its still online,he is the same guy,still cheerful :mad: Trump promised this,he is just following theough with his election promises,farage actually said it would be a good idea for the UK,pity Farage wasnt in power here,then we wouldnt have home grown cancerous communities within our midst,trojan horses who wish their host country harm.

31st January 2017, 16:18
Austria banning islamic veils in public places and demanding islamic enlightenement,times are changing.

31st January 2017, 16:47
Damed if you say something damed if you do, where are you my paradise, that's all I ask for

31st January 2017, 17:42
free speech human rights, rights to give the go ahead the pipeline through native american land, where the indian natives are free to protest against it hmmm, free human rights to all countrys that appose america free to destroy human rights,

31st January 2017, 18:02
I've signed it....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st January 2017, 19:03
Did i hear right, the other night these so called 7 countries that Trump has sort of banned from entering the US, apparently Obama made that list first .

31st January 2017, 19:05
Ive signed it too, well i think i have Emma had the paper folded and she just said sign here .:Erm:

31st January 2017, 19:16
Did i hear right, the other night these so called 7 countries that Trump has sort of banned from entering the US, apparently Obama made that list first .


In Obama's time they were listed as being considered a danger to the USA.

31st January 2017, 19:28

In Obama's time they were listed as being considered a danger to the USA.

So whats the problem then, some one had the balls to do something about it rather then talk about maybe doing something about it.

31st January 2017, 19:41
Obama is/was a muslim.

31st January 2017, 21:27
So whats the problem then, some one had the balls to do something about it rather then talk about maybe doing something about it.

Agreed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st January 2017, 22:35
This is not a ban on muslims, there is no mention of the word in the act. Plus it is only temporary for 90 days while they sort out the extreme vetting. All being misreported by the usual press.

31st January 2017, 22:58
Trump did campaign on a muslim ban but now he is asking for it not to be called a muslim ban,information and disinformation.

Michael Parnham
31st January 2017, 23:08
Damed if you say something damed if you do, where are you my paradise, that's all I ask for

Your home:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2017, 00:39
I drafted a long reply but decided it was wasted effort as my words will not sway any of the views on here.

Let me just quote a few extracts....

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

Trump is doing in America today exactly what Hitler was doing in Germany in the 1930s, the latter was demonising Jews, the former Muslims.

So it won't come as a surprise that I signed the OTHER petition (now over 1.75 Million signatories) at https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171928 (Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom). I don't for one minute think it will stop him coming but it's my way of registering my disgust and my way of saying "I am taking a stand against this odious man". And fortunately, I am not a lone voice (despite the "free speech" cacophony on here).

It is NOT about opposing someone with a different point of view. With freedom comes responsibility. That is why we have laws and regulations. It might be nice to play my music loud at 3am with all the windows open but that would cause discomfort to my neighbours. I might own some farming land but I can't just build on that land as it is designated for a certain use. I might have land in the middle of an industrial area but I can't just build domestic housing. I may have a room to let but I can no longer put up a sign in the window that says "No blacks, no dogs, no Irish", in the way that was commonplace when I was a kid in the 1950s and 60s. So with free speech, yes I can express an opinion but if it is done in an offensive way or in a way that incites violence or racial hatred then there are laws that stop me doing that. It's not a matter of political correctness, it's the LAW.

Quite frankly, I am disgusted by some of the opinions expressed on here. You cannot use the free speech argument as a guise for spreading racial hatred. What Trump is saying in demonising Muslims is as incorrect as the anti-German or anti-Japanese feelings directed against the whole populations of those countries after World War 2. It is an invalid extrapolation.

I'm really not sure this is the forum for me. I certainly wouldn't entertain those views in my house, they are intolerant and loaded with hatred. That's not a world I want part of.

2nd February 2017, 00:52
Anything else you'd like to wring your hands over, while you're here ?


2nd February 2017, 01:54
I signed the other petition as well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Soulman, we need members who can express views like yours in a respectable way and not just agree all the time with what majority of the regulars here. We need diversity in this forum. Just a few weeks ago, most of them are complaining the forum was very quiet and no new members posting. We definitely need new members like you. So feel free to post. :wink:

2nd February 2017, 03:37
Thank you for your kind words, Rayna, they're much appreciated.

The fact that the views are expressed in the way they are on here and are not checked means they have the tacit approval of the mods. My parents (in particular, my mother) were victims of the Nazis and I'm not prepared to stand by and see a group of people vilified in the same way that Hitler did. On the other hand, why should I subject myself to this kind of racist claptrap, I have my health to consider. When you make a reasoned argument and receive a mocking "Anything else you'd like to wring your hands over, while you're here ?" response, I realise I'm clearly dealing with bigots who love being surrounded by their own kind. I've got better things to do with my life than partaking in p*$$*ng contests.


2nd February 2017, 04:02
Thank you for your kind words, Rayna, they're much appreciated.

The fact that the views are expressed in the way they are on here and are not checked means they have the tacit approval of the mods. My parents (in particular, my mother) were victims of the Nazis and I'm not prepared to stand by and see a group of people vilified in the same way that Hitler did. On the other hand, why should I subject myself to this kind of racist claptrap, I have my health to consider. When you make a reasoned argument and receive a mocking "Anything else you'd like to wring your hands over, while you're here ?" response, I realise I'm clearly dealing with bigots who love being surrounded by their own kind. I've got better things to do with my life than partaking in p*$$*ng contests.


I'd love to hear you views on the public protests and burning of Poppy's on rememberance Sunday, all in the name of free speech of course.

2nd February 2017, 05:13
I'm not aware of any actual events of such protests and burning of poppies.

In the absence of detail, I cannot comment on public protests without knowing what they were protesting about.

However, based on a hypothetical example, in principle I would certainly view burning of poppies as an inflammatory (pun unintended) and unnecessarily provocative and disrespectful event. The poppy represents those who gave their lives for our freedom and I do not see why anyone should wish to burn them as a protest. Legally, AFAIAA there is no offence, so I don't know if any charges could be brought.

2nd February 2017, 05:33
Here's a link for you:-


I wonder what would happen if I burnt a copy of the Bible (probably nothing), or a copy of the Koran?

2nd February 2017, 06:41
Thoroughly disgusting behaviour, although if it's in the Mail, I'd take anything written in that xenophobic rage with a MASSIVE pinch of salt as its mission is to incite racial hatred. If the news was corroborated I would wish the full force of the law to be applied, although, as I'm not a lawyer, I cannot comment on what the offence would be.

If you burned the Bible or Koran, personally I wouldn't give a stuff as I have no religion. There maybe a case to answer, I don't know. However, inciting a protest is a different matter as that is inciting hatred.

By the way you're leading me by the nose you seem to be inferring all Muslims are the same, which they're not. And if you're dumb enough to take everything written in the Mail as Gospel (sic) then you're beyond redemption! The Mail has a particularly invidious view of the world that isn't shared by everyone.

But enough of this, the party is coming to an end.....

2nd February 2017, 07:04
I am sorry I cannot articulate my words like yourself Alan, and half the time I cannot seem to get across what I want to say too.
But this forum excepts me for who i am and what I write too, some of it is tounge in cheek stuff and see I get on my high horse.
No one is keeping anyone here and it's a open forum too, like many have said it's good to have fresh eyes to see what's going on, but it does not mean we have to agree with everything that is said.
You seem to hate parts of our world just like us and you seem to pick the parts too, like someone mentioned the burning and stamping of the poppies, well I have seen that with my own eyes and it's been big news too, but like most things we all cannot see everything,
Carry on posting it's fun, but did you get the same response from the other clubs you did join before here.

2nd February 2017, 07:18
By the way you're leading me by the nose you seem to be inferring all Muslims are the same, which they're not. And if you're dumb enough to take everything written in the Mail as Gospel (sic) then you're beyond redemption! The Mail has a particularly invidious view of the world that isn't shared by everyone.

But enough of this, the party is coming to an end.....

Alan, you're walking on very thin ice there.

1st how have I led you by the nose, I asked a simple question to which you replied.

2nd in no way have I inferred or implied anything of the sort, and you must be pretty 'dumb' to have come to that conclusion.

3rd How dare you call me dumb, and how the hell do make the assumption that I take anything written as Gospel? Would you prefer I provided links to The Times? The only reason I posted a link was because you want proof of the incident happening but obviously couldn't be arsed to search for yourself.

You've been entertaining at least, antagonist mainly though.

Michael Parnham
2nd February 2017, 08:53
Thoroughly disgusting behaviour, although if it's in the Mail, I'd take anything written in that xenophobic rage with a MASSIVE pinch of salt as its mission is to incite racial hatred. If the news was corroborated I would wish the full force of the law to be applied, although, as I'm not a lawyer, I cannot comment on what the offence would be.

If you burned the Bible or Koran, personally I wouldn't give a stuff as I have no religion. There maybe a case to answer, I don't know. However, inciting a protest is a different matter as that is inciting hatred.

By the way you're leading me by the nose you seem to be inferring all Muslims are the same, which they're not. And if you're dumb enough to take everything written in the Mail as Gospel (sic) then you're beyond redemption! The Mail has a particularly invidious view of the world that isn't shared by everyone.

But enough of this, the party is coming to an end.....

Well, what can I say other than I'm enjoying reading your threads and posts I find them very refreshing and honest also for me quite educational Alan, please keep up the good work:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
2nd February 2017, 09:04
Getting back to the content of this thread it appears that Mr Trump has fallen out with Australia one of America's closest allies:Erm:

2nd February 2017, 09:33
I think he was right though michael,why should he honour a deal made by Obama and why should the states accept 2000 refugees that australia had rejected.

2nd February 2017, 09:46
Some one has to be the bad man in all this, it's having the balls to see it though that counts, and if it's wrong to say sorry .

2nd February 2017, 10:03
Trumps gone into overdrive with the policies he was elected on,and one of those policies was immigration,accepting australias unwanted illegal immigrants was never going to be on his agenda.

2nd February 2017, 11:30
I signed the other petition as well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Soulman, we need members who can express views like yours in a respectable way and not just agree all the time with what majority of the regulars here. We need diversity in this forum. Just a few weeks ago, most of them are complaining the forum was very quiet and no new members posting. We definitely need new members like you. So feel free to post. :wink:

We have no problem with people that disagree respectfully...It`s those that disagree with us and then label us racist bigots etc..
If someone called me a racist bigot to my face they would have to endure a physical fight with me... Very offensive stuff for me personally!!

2nd February 2017, 11:41
Yes, we really need people like 'Alan'. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
2nd February 2017, 13:11
I think he was right though michael,why should he honour a deal made by Obama and why should the states accept 2000 refugees that australia had rejected.

Get your point, but Trump really worries me he's only got to make one big mistake and it could affect all our lives and not for the good either:Erm:

2nd February 2017, 13:56
Get your point, but Trump really worries me he's only got to make one big mistake and it could affect all our lives and not for the good either:Erm:

There are people out there who would want to kill you and I in the name of martidom, and they don't give a dam who they kill along with us, and the problem is you don't know who they are.

2nd February 2017, 14:28
There are people out there who would want to kill you and I in the name of martidom, and they don't give a dam who they kill along with us, and the problem is you don't know who they are.


... As 30+ Brits found out in Tunisia.

Trump is doing what his voters wanted him to do.

Why should they accept thousands of totally undocumented people into their country ?

I also like the way he's told Mexico's leaders to sort out their drugs cartels.... or have the US military sent over to do it for them.
Anyone with half a brain realises that the cartels are very likely to be in league with government officials in Mexico.

2nd February 2017, 16:41

... As 30+ Brits found out in Tunisia.

Trump is doing what his voters wanted him to do.

Why should they accept thousands of totally undocumented people into their country ?

I also like the way he's told Mexico's leaders to sort out their drugs cartels.... or have the US military sent over to do it for them.
Anyone with half a brain realises that the cartels are very likely to be in league with government officials in Mexico.

Do you realize just how un politically correct you sound right now??
Did you do that intentionally??

2nd February 2017, 17:00
Get your point, but Trump really worries me he's only got to make one big mistake and it could affect all our lives and not for the good either:Erm:

Trump won the election and he IS the POTUS!!!
It`s all good Micheal...Don`t worry!!
You remember the promises he made during the nomination campaign??? Looks like he has ticking his promises off one by one thus far!!
When was the last politician that that you can remember elected to office do that??

2nd February 2017, 17:09
... Let's call in the expert:



2nd February 2017, 17:12
... Let's call in the expert:



Like it!!!
Alan you say,Steve?

2nd February 2017, 17:17
Like it!!!
Alan you say,Steve?

Alan... :smile:


2nd February 2017, 17:24
Alan... :smile:


One guy named "Alan" that I met
in the R.P via this forum is another good reason I can never regret signing up to this place looking back..
R.I.P...Alan ...."The teach"
RIP mate!

Michael Parnham
2nd February 2017, 19:36
There are people out there who would want to kill you and I in the name of martidom, and they don't give a dam who they kill along with us, and the problem is you don't know who they are.

I know who they're not, only got polish in our area never seen any other types up to now:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2017, 20:00
I know who they're not, only got polish in our area never seen any other types up to now:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are very lucky then Michael, these days anyone it seems can try to take a life ,

2nd February 2017, 20:47
One guy named "Alan" that I met
in the R.P via this forum is another good reason I can never regret signing up to this place looking back..
R.I.P...Alan ...."The teach"
RIP mate!
The guy who lived in cebu with a motorbike?Why RIP i thought it was sean who went?

3rd February 2017, 03:50
The guy who lived in cebu with a motorbike?Why RIP i thought it was sean who went?

Alan passed away in the UK just last year.. Very sad. He was a top guy.
I got to know him personally since around 2008.
He never realized his wish and was unable to obtain a souse visa for his wife.

3rd February 2017, 06:47
Wow,he wasnt that old either,i remember he was offered a job teaching in france and was contemplating going there so she could get a visa,he had an accident in cebu on his bike years ago.

Arthur Little
3rd February 2017, 12:05
Alan passed away in the UK just last year. Very sad. He was a top guy.

Alan Clegg? GREAT guy, and only 63 ... I'm truly shocked! :cwm24:


Arthur Little
3rd February 2017, 12:14
He never realized his wish and was unable to obtain a spouse visa for his wife.

........................ :yeahthat:'s so sad ... :bigcry:

RIP, my friend.

Arthur Little
6th February 2017, 19:42
Soulman, we need members who can express views like yours in a respectable way and not just agree all the time with what majority of the regulars here. We need diversity in this forum. Just a few weeks ago, most of them are complaining the forum was very quiet and no new members posting. We definitely need new members like you. So feel free to post. :wink:

:iagree: entirely with that encouraging response to this thread.

:smile: Wanted also, however, to give you well~deserved rep for all the help you gave me in accessing the forum again ... following today's changeover of my router and internet provider. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th February 2017, 22:07
:iagree: entirely with that encouraging response to this thread.

:smile: Wanted also, however, to give you well~deserved rep for all the help you gave me in accessing the forum again ... following today's changeover of my router and internet provider. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yep I agree it was a good post and well worthy of a rep.
I thought Soulman was going to be a welcome addition to the forum when he first started posting but alas it didn't work out that way.
I myself can't stand Trump but that said I don't feel it's appropriate to label people who support him as supporters of racial hatred and bigotry. He has far to many supporters to be throwing labels like that around.

6th February 2017, 23:03
Yes we have said we could do with new members and yes a few of us have thrown out there dummies , but what we dont want is someone asking for our opinion on things then telling us we are wrong and then calling us names.
Like i have said i have and others have too got onto our high horse about things but calling names is a no no, ok "SILLY" is allowed in my eyes ,
So yes lets try to get new members here and welcome them all, infact soulman was welcomed quite well at first, i wonder if the old members are still being blamed for him leaving

6th February 2017, 23:29
Soulman himself was a bigot,his first post,yup first ever,told how he didnt feel british and another site was full of americans,later he mocked in sarcastic fashion posts about being british,his head was too far up his own a*** and he seemed to have a large chip on his shoulder,remember,he walked,no one pushed him :wink:

Arthur Little
6th February 2017, 23:48
Yep I agree it was a good post and well worthy of a rep.
I thought Soulman was going to be a welcome addition to the forum when he first started posting but alas it didn't work out that way.

Thankyou, in turn, for the rep, Marco ... it too, is really appreciated! :xxgrinning--00xx3: