View Full Version : E T go home

21st September 2016, 18:20
Well for centuries they have been visiting earth they say so is this proof that they have or just another story,
It is very interesting reading what may have happened or not , but are they out there really.


21st September 2016, 18:53
We are not alone.....

21st September 2016, 20:04
They definitely left some aliens behind. :cwm25:

22nd September 2016, 10:21
I think in this case the 'after-story' comments are correct in that the picture is a theological metaphor, not an attempt to depict a flying saucer.

As mentioned by a number of the conversation posters the text above the "disc" makes reference to the first line of Psalm 84 verse 11 :-
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield...."

There's some bloody clever folks out there IMO

Having said that, there are so many unexplainable things from our past that could be interpreted as visits from UFO's

Fascinating for me

22nd September 2016, 10:49
Me too Peter, I like reading about these sorts of things.