View Full Version : Former Footballer Dies In Tragic Circumstances

Arthur Little
15th August 2016, 19:39
Tributes have been paid to English striker, Dalian Robert Atkinson (48) ... who has died after being tasered by police near his father's home in Telford, Shropshire.


:bigcry: ... RIP

15th August 2016, 19:48
Terrible turn of events :NoNo:

15th August 2016, 20:58
Yes terrible , but why was the police called and why was he Tasered too,

Arthur Little
16th August 2016, 13:36
According to what I've read since, there had been a disturbance of some sort outside his father's house when the latter had refused him entry. Hardly surprising ... :anerikke: ... if - as has also been reported - Atkinson had, in fact, been under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

However, Atkinson's nephew has said his uncle had been undergoing dialysis for a kidney problem ... and, that being the case, :iagree: the treatment, coupled with his illness, may well have put additional strain on his heart, given that cause of death was due to cardiac arrest.

16th August 2016, 16:07
It seems to me that tasers are perhaps more suited to the restraining of wild animals than middle-aged human beings, whose health and fitness status is totally unknown. :NoNo: