View Full Version : The boat people have landed

30th May 2016, 13:22
Well its took this long for the news to spot these people crossing the English channel by boat,
I am sure this is not the first time its happened and i am convinced its not going to be the last too,
So whats going to happen to these people , sent back i wonder and the people who arranged this too, what will happen to them,
I would like to see a very long prison term for the people that made this happen and return the others to where they came from straight away , you never know it may deter the others ,but some how i dont think so

30th May 2016, 13:33
I am surprised they didnt do it sooner,its going to open the floodgates,perfectly servicable twin engine RIB,bit small to get that many people on however,i know the media said it was taking on water etc but was it really?A mile offshore it could have got in easily,there was a similar RIB found abandoned on a beach a week or so ago,thats a lot that made it to land and just walked off......

30th May 2016, 13:58
Soon instead of collecting sea shells on the beach, we will be collecting canoes and inflatables,

30th May 2016, 14:04
And bodies,when i was based on Gib we would often hear of bodies washed up on the beaches just up the coast in spain,it happens,this morning they were describing these people as migrants on TV,they arent migrants,they are ILLEGAL immigrants,big difference,one is legal and welcome,the other isnt,they were also describing them as desperate.......LEaving the question is France really THAT bad :Erm:

30th May 2016, 14:23
Thats going to be the next thing , a child washed up on our beach, the whole world will be down on us raciest people for not wanting them here, when all the blame should be on the parent or adult who put them at risk

30th May 2016, 14:25
They are in a safe country,France,if a kid bobs up on some beach somewhere mixed with the flotsam and jetsam of the tide its the parents fault 100%

30th May 2016, 23:21
Trouble is there is no longer any proper coastguard, all been cutback. Anywhere west of Dover to Dugeness is like a desert, miles and miles of empty beaches.

31st May 2016, 03:13
A different kind of Armada on the way?

Harry T
31st May 2016, 10:47
Well its took this long for the news to spot these people crossing the English channel by boat,
I am sure this is not the first time its happened and i am convinced its not going to be the last too,
So whats going to happen to these people , sent back i wonder and the people who arranged this too, what will happen to them,
I would like to see a very long prison term for the people that made this happen and return the others to where they came from straight away , you never know it may deter the others ,but some how i dont think so

Im sure this is not the first nore will it be the last, Im sure i read somewhere that apart from this particular boat, another Boat was found further along the Beach, so 18 were found, and probably another 18 are somewhere in the Uk, just the Tip of a very big Iceberg, it cant be to long before ID Cards are brought in so people can prove they are here legally.
However another take on this for people to think about, what will happen to these illegals, and any other illegal ? send them back, to where ?.