View Full Version : Runaway Schoolgirls Married In ISIS Ceremonies

Arthur Little
5th July 2015, 01:18
Two of the London schoolgirls thought to've absconded in order to join the Islamic State in war~torn Syria, have apparently been married off to men linked to the terror group ... according to 'The Times'.

http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article4488199.ece :ReadIt: here.

:omg: ... these :crazy: younsters are scarcely of an age yet to know their own minds!! :NoNo:

5th July 2015, 01:41
I hope they soon appear in a Jordanian pilots crosshairs

5th July 2015, 03:23
stupid girls

5th July 2015, 08:52
As long as they're not allowed back here...:mad:

5th July 2015, 09:07
And still they are saying the families knew nothing about this :NoNo::NoNo:

Michael Parnham
5th July 2015, 09:36
On radio BBC Radio 4 these past few days there have been quite a number of topics about ISIS and how they procure first young men then young women and now families, it seems young men are the warriors the young women wives for the army(warriors) and families to build a proper Muslim state(community) offering jobs, doctors lawyers tradespeople truck drivers firemen council and a proper government in Syria and Iraq. The thing they did wrong was take these countries by force using barbaric methods, if such as Saddam and the like were left alone ISIS would not exist! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th July 2015, 09:42
A potentially wonderful world still being ruined by crazy religious mumbo jumbo from the dark ages. :NoNo:

5th July 2015, 09:45
A potentially wonderful world still being ruined by crazy religious mumbo jumbo from the dark ages. :NoNo:

The trouble is Graham, what do we do with these people, destroy them or try to live with them? I DO NOT HAVE THE ANSWER, live in peace is what many would like but I do think these sort of people never want peace they just want you to live the life they say you should,

Arthur Little
5th July 2015, 09:50
... if such as Saddam and the like were left alone ISIS would not exist! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:gp: ... in retrospect, "sadam" shame they weren't!

5th July 2015, 10:51
They have to be eliminated if their main aim is to destroy us :cwm23:

5th July 2015, 13:37
Well, I would ban all religious teaching to MINORS in this country.
It is child abuse and brainwashing as far as I'm concerned.
Send all those Imams home too, or whatever they're called.

Islam I would ban totally, as being a terrorist organisation.

There's a start. :biggrin:

5th July 2015, 14:55
Well, I would ban all religious teaching to MINORS in this country.
It is child abuse and brainwashing as far as I'm concerned.
Send all those Imams home too, or whatever they're called.

Islam I would ban totally, as being a terrorist organisation.

There's a start. :biggrin:

Yep Graham me too :xxgrinning--00xx3: