View Full Version : " Paytriotism " Becoming British is a costly business!!

30th April 2015, 21:03
the price of coming a uk citizen has rocketed from 2003 to today fees,

Becoming a citizen is a lengthy process, with lots of hurdles and fees along the way.

nice article worth reading in the economist



30th April 2015, 21:05
But in the end its all worth it, i am so glad we did ours when we did,

30th April 2015, 21:05
Theres still plenty wanting to come to Treasure Island

30th April 2015, 21:10
To me and Ems its Treasure Island, we both are working hard and long hours too, but we are getting paid good money, all this money is going into the pot to get us both out of here sooner then later,
This could be a great country if everyone else thought this way too about working hard for a wage and paying your way

Michael Parnham
30th April 2015, 21:17
That reminds me, the NHS increase is 5.5% :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2015, 22:23
I wish I could take my bungalow and park it next to the beach in Pangasinan. :biggrin:

30th April 2015, 22:29
I wish I could take my bungalow and park it next to the beach in Pangasinan. :biggrin:

my mates brother used to live there.....I think he used to have a pizza shop...maybe in June I'll go there..


30th April 2015, 22:40
Here are the staff from our local pizza place in Pangasinan: :smile:



Arthur Little
30th April 2015, 23:56
:icon_lol: ... like the way you've summed it up. :yeahthat:'s so true, :iagree:!

Mind you ... :anerikke: ... taking into account the *security naturalisation offers our non-British partners, puts the fee entailed into perspective, making *it an advantage worth having.

But I do feel the cost of each of the interim periods of 'Leave to Remain' are nothing short of downright rip~offs! :cwm23:

1st May 2015, 00:11
Low-hanging fruit Arthur.

Arthur Little
1st May 2015, 00:34
Low-hanging fruit Arthur.

Aye :icon_rolleyes: ... you're right, Graham ... easy pickings.

1st May 2015, 00:41
Visa fees are extortionate these days also :yikes: