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View Full Version : Attention to Jobhunters!

20th November 2007, 14:03
Hi Ladies and Gents,

I would like to take this opportunity to advertise our company on this portal, and to rip-off the good will of the sites owner.

We are a registered recruitment company located in Aberdeen, Scotland. I am one of the Recruitment Consultants, who enjoys spamming forums. If you are looking for jobs, looking at moving or exploring job opportunities within the area, feel free to completely IGNORE our crap website http://www.getyourfreeadvertisingelsewhereyoumuppet.com . You can also phone us via our anus and look for doggy sex to discuss jobs that you might be interested in.

Thank you.

AJ Bumchums

20th November 2007, 14:11

Yeah aberdeen has alot of jobs to offer, especially in offshore.

Is your office near to Halifax bank in john street?

20th November 2007, 14:19
any in Siberia? i know a scouser who likes the cold and living on hill tops :D

20th November 2007, 14:49

Yeah aberdeen has alot of jobs to offer, especially in offshore.

Is your office near to Halifax bank in john street?

Sure is :)

20th November 2007, 16:26
jan isn't looking for another job ha? she already got 3 ;)

yeh yeh i know lol ;)

20th November 2007, 19:18
If people can'r be bothered reading the forum rules, then I can't be bothered with them, and I do not see why any of you should waste your time on free loaders.