View Full Version : Random taxi check last night

13th September 2014, 08:10
So I had just dropped a new customer off in town about 7.45 PM last night and next minute I'm being blue lighted! "Good evening sir, we are doing random taxi and driver checks".

Had to give him various docs while he checked me out. They were in order but then he said at 8.45 pm I have to take my taxi to be checked for road worthiness at the council's MOT testing station.

Meanwhile half the taxis in the town suddenly vanished as they all legged it!

Anyway, passed test fine although it is nerve wracking.

First 3 cars they tested failed!

Don't need to tell you who were driving them!

I did happen to let it slip that lots of taxis were sat in ASDA car park lol.

Had a good night as most had scarpered but it's a sign of the times that so many thought they might fail so buggered off.

I agree with the checks as they check on not only your vehicle but your status.

I have spread a rumour they're doing it tonight too, ha ha.

13th September 2014, 08:25
2nd Friday of every month, so I've heard :wink:

13th September 2014, 08:36
Good to see the local authority doing something positive.....:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th September 2014, 08:46
They do it once a year. Quite a big operation.

13th September 2014, 09:28
Hopefully it keeps a lot of the dodgy cabs off the street...

13th September 2014, 09:40
They do it once a year. Quite a big operation.

In my view, they don,t do it nearly enough times. Our council go out and try to flag down private hire cars. Lol, many get caught out and licence removed

13th September 2014, 09:58
I agree, Tiger. I reckon as many as 50% of PVs would risk a flag down.

13th September 2014, 11:13
Pity they didn't do it more often in Rotherham (and Bradford). Might have been able to rescue a few children. :mad:

13th September 2014, 12:03
I got stopped years ago with my mates in my car as we were driving in Central London. They thought I was an unlicensed Taxi as my mates in my car were one Indian, one Jamaican and a Chinese bloke!

They got me out the car and asked us questions separately. Luckily they knew me well enough!!!

13th September 2014, 17:30
I got stopped years ago with my mates in my car as we were driving in central London. They thought I was an unlicensed Taxi as My mates in my car were one Indian, one Jamaican and a Chinese bloke!

They got me out the car and asked us questions separately. Luckily they knew me well enough!!!

No-one can say you don't embrace multiculturalism :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th September 2014, 17:47
I did happen to let it slip that lots of taxis were sat in ASDA car park lol

Well done Les :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th September 2014, 18:08
I got stopped years ago with my mates in my car as we were driving in Central London. They thought I was an unlicensed Taxi as my mates in my car were one Indian, one Jamaican and a Chinese bloke!

They got me out the car and asked us questions separately. Luckily they knew me well enough!!!

:icon_lol: ... luckily indeed, :yeahthat: enabled you to "Slip" through the net!