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View Full Version : Millipede accepts bungs for policies

16th May 2014, 09:12
Unite gave Red Ed £2million after he backed their rent control plan despite Miliband's claims to be standing up to the unions

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2629889/Unite-handed-Red-Ed-2million-backed-rent-control-plan-Tories-say-donation-makes-mockery-Milibands-claims-reducing-influence-unions-party.html#ixzz31re51Nt9

What a surprise

16th May 2014, 10:59
:76::appl:well done ED.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th May 2014, 14:13
Keep Ed there in charge - he's our secret weapon :icon_lol:

He is the David Moyes of politics :biggrin:

Arthur Little
16th May 2014, 16:17
... bungs, eh?

Aha! :yeahthat: would explain his nasally tones - his sinuses being "bunged" up ...

... alas ... :anerikke: ... there'snotter lot he can do about it :readingpapers:(snuffle!)

16th May 2014, 17:23
I nearly threw up in the car earlier heard him on World @ 1 saying "Labour won't 'turn our backs' on people worried about immigration".


The glaring omission here is not only did Labour ignore peoples "concerns" they branded such people as RACIST

16th May 2014, 18:13
No surprises here dedworth,

Tory dining club secretively channels hundreds of thousands of pounds of funding by anonymous wealthy donors

The Conservatives are funnelling hundreds of thousands of pounds’ worth of donations to the party through a secretive dining club that allows donors to keep their identity hidden.

read more here .. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-dining-club-secretively-channels-hundreds-of-thousands-of-pounds-of-funding-by-anonymous-wealthy-donors-9380723.html

Oh and I think you missed this one too dedworth :cwm25:

Tory candidate once claimed £30,000 in illegal benefits
