View Full Version : Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP circa 1983

30th April 2014, 14:32

30th April 2014, 15:28
Photoshopped I presume.

Desperate (and childish) tactics by whoever is circulating this.

The other parties have really got the wind put up them now, by a man who is clearly speaking for the majority of patriotic Britons, who have had ENOUGH. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2014, 15:45
The other parties have really got the wind put up them now, by a man who is clearly speaking for the majority of patriotic Britons, who have had ENOUGH.
I got my UKIP poster up in window :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2014, 15:55
Photoshopped I presume.

Desperate (and childish) tactics by whoever is circulating this.

The other parties have really got the wind put up them now, by a man who is clearly speaking for the majority of patriotic Britons, who have had ENOUGH. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, you're right....I have since found out! Hilarious picture though!


30th April 2014, 16:23
Very clever trickery.

As Graham says the cosy cartel of the established parties are desperate to discredit UKIP - I find some of it quite pathetic all that business about the fella in the ad being an Irish actor - can we now expect all Con, Lib & Labour posters, leaflets, adverts, broadcasts etc etc to feature real people rather than actors & models ?

30th April 2014, 17:23
Good video here of a recent Newsnight programme with a UKIP spokesman and vile bloated ex labour immigration Minister playing the race card


30th April 2014, 17:44
Farage would make a great leader, watch all his speeches in Brussels. He slaughters them lol, they all sit there squirming in their seats thinking of ways to assasinate him lol

30th April 2014, 18:32
I'm just tired of the media trying to insult my intelligence with their biased and childish name-calling schoolyard nonsense...pushing whatever their OBVIOUS agenda is on any particular day. :NoNo:

30th April 2014, 18:35
Very clever trickery.

As Graham says the cosy cartel of the established parties are desperate to discredit UKIP - I find some of it quite pathetic all that business about the fella in the ad being an Irish actor - can we now expect all Con, Lib & Labour posters, leaflets, adverts, broadcasts etc etc to feature real people rather than actors & models ?

Quite agree.

As I've just said in my post above.

PLEASE media idiots, STOP insulting our intelligence AND trying to tell us what to think. :ReadIt:

(Just watching the news now) Oh, and aren't the media just SOOO upset that all their anti-UKIP ****-stirring hasn't made a blind bit of difference to public support for Farage. Maybe it's time for the fools to get behind their customers ?

1st May 2014, 11:17
Suspended council candidate doesn't make national news ;-

Michael Crick is teasing he has “another astonishing exclusive on UKIP” coming up this evening. You can bet he won’t be giving as much airtime to Labour’s announcement that they have suspended one of their council candidates after he was accused of defrauding his own council. Or LibDem councillor Ajit Atwal, who is still a candidate for May despite being photographed with an AK47. Or the recent Tory council candidate who was revealed to have been a past member of the BNP.


1st May 2014, 12:05
I'm a 'fan' of Nigel Farage.....but not of UKIP

I understand he's following his beliefs but he'd make a great backbencher IMHO

Not sure what a vote for UKIP will do when their policy is vote against everything and anything within EU ............good or bad.

Just thinking

1st May 2014, 12:17
I'm a 'fan' of Nigel Farage.....but not of UKIP

I understand he's following his beliefs but he'd make a great backbencher IMHO

Not sure what a vote for UKIP will do when their policy is vote against everything and anything within EU ............good or bad.

Just thinking

The bad far outweighs the good so he's got my vote

Here's the vid as per my post 6, what an arrogant, repulsive individual Barbara Roche is :mad:


1st May 2014, 13:02
I've become Eurosceptic during these past few years and I'll be voting UKIP in the upcoming Euro election......in the large part due to Farage.

It's hard to imagine any good reason to vote UKIP in our general election though.
That's my thinking anyway.

1st May 2014, 17:16
The bad far outweighs the good so he's got my vote

Here's the vid as per my post 6, what an arrogant, repulsive individual Barbara Roche is :mad:


How surprising is she??
Taking the moral,upstanding higher ground!! This type of drivel by most politicians has been going on for years as any other opposing opinion are quickly exposed as racist comment and condemned..
I am absolutely disgusted but not surprised at all..
One question that I would like to ask is how would UKIP treat applications from foreign spouses of British nationals ?
Are there any indications of how they may answer based on their past manifesto`s for example?

1st May 2014, 18:08
Fred, I'm confident that once it was explained to them that British nationals such as ourselves, wishing to bring into the country our genuine partners...partners who would be fully integrating into and accepting of the traditional British (and Christian) way of life, there wouldn't be a problem. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

...Another reason why the kneejerk 'racism' accusation is so misguided.

1st May 2014, 19:08
I was on you tube the other night watching lots of his speeches, and he does come across as very good, he does have my vote, and I do hope he does well

1st May 2014, 19:55
Steve...you know it makes sense. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2014, 20:12
He has our vote UKIP, we watched his Political Debate on Television. First Class! We hope they do very well, we are sure that they will give the other Parties a run for their money :animal-smiley-037:

Arthur Little
2nd May 2014, 01:49
He has our vote UKIP, we watched his Political Debate on Television. First Class! We hope they do very well, we are sure that they will give the other Parties a run for their money :animal-smiley-037:

:iagree: ... let's hope so!

2nd May 2014, 09:43
Fred, I'm confident that once it was explained to them that British nationals such as ourselves, wishing to bring into the country our genuine partners...partners who would be fully integrating into and accepting of the traditional British (and Christian) way of life, there wouldn't be a problem. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

...Another reason why the kneejerk 'racism' accusation is so misguided.

Spot on comment Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3: just because we support UKIP we get called racists, I call it standing up for our way of life. And you,re right, we would,nt be having trouble bringing in partners if the border was shut to Europe, because the public would,nt notice the small amount of partners and wives coming in. But they sure as hell notice cities the size of Manchester coming in every year.

2nd May 2014, 09:52
How bizarre is lump Barbara Roches condemnation of the poster with her saying - if you substitute the words "people from Europe" with "people from Africa" or "people from Asia" it would be racist :laugher:

2nd May 2014, 09:53
The bad far outweighs the good so he's got my vote

Here's the vid as per my post 6, what an arrogant, repulsive individual Barbara Roche is :mad:


Well, let,s pray to God that a Roma family of 20 moves right next door to her and see if she changes her mind when they start throwing rubbish over her fence etc etc. I have nothing against Romanians as I have 4 decent ones in my house but the Roma are a different kettle of fish entirely.

7th May 2014, 11:53
UKIP’s immigration policy is centred on leaving the EU. Once that happens, the party would have the same approach to potential immigrants from the EU as those from outside. It may seek a lower number of overall immigrants of course, but the process to decide who is allowed to come in would make no distinction between EU and non-EU applicants.

Bizarrely, this actually means that UKIP’s immigration policy is the least racist of all four parties. Since EU immigrants are overwhelmingly white and non-EU immigrants are overwhelmingly non-white, the immigration policies of the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dems effectively discriminate in favour of white immigrants and against ethnic minorities. UKIP’s policy meanwhile would treat the overwhelmingly white EU immigrants the same as everyone else, by definition having the effect of being fairer to non-white immigrants from India, Asia and elsewhere.

In fact, UKIP’s immigration policy would actually mean a higher proportion of immigrants to Britain are ethnic minorities. Discriminating only on skill and not on EU membership, UKIP would proportionally let in fewer unskilled white workers from Europe and more skilled non-white workers from India and Asia.

This all leaves us with the almost amusing result that UKIP has the least racist immigration policy of all four parties. I wonder what the likes of Andre Lampitt and William Henwood would think about that.


11th May 2014, 10:09
Remember UKIP, the day is approaching, they need our vote everyone, polling stations 7am-10pm don't forget! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th May 2014, 10:11
Remember UKIP, the day is approaching, they need our vote everyone, polling stations 7am-10pm don't forget! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

No worries there! :xxgrinning--00xx3: