View Full Version : Sharia law to be enshrined in British legal system

24th March 2014, 18:53

Arthur Little
24th March 2014, 19:02
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2587215/Sharia-Law-enshrined-British-legal-lawyers-guidelines-drawing-documents-according-Islamic-rules.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2587215/Sharia-Law-enshrined-British-legal-lawyers-guidelines-drawing-documents-according-Islamic-rules.html)

:omg: ... :please: ... :pray: this nonsense is never written into statute!

24th March 2014, 19:05
The country is lost.

All of those hundreds of years of progress shat upon.

The way of life our parents and grandparents fought for and lost their lives for, debased, devalued, and stolen from their children.

Hopefully I'll be living out most of the rest of my days elsewhere.

24th March 2014, 19:08
Disgraceful - goes to show how full of handwringers and fellow travellers the Law Society is

24th March 2014, 20:03

It's a disgraceful betrayal of our heritage. culture and the principles of Magna Carta.

What with EU laws and Sharia laws I'd better start looking at the Isle of Man :biggrin:

Arthur Little
24th March 2014, 20:31

What with EU laws and Sharia laws I'd better start looking at the Isle of Man :biggrin:

:reaction: ... that's where your pal, 'Lastlid' the jackass is domiciled! :icon_rolleyes:

24th March 2014, 21:25
A typical over-reaction by the Daily Mail and others and others in order to further their agenda. As usual, they have failed to properly report the facts.

This issue is not about "enshrining Islamic law" into the British legal system, but simply allowing people to leave their estate to who they wish. The same rules to do with challenging of wills and maintained dependants will still apply.

Don't get me wrong, many aspects of "Sharia Law" are despicable and I strongly believe that the legal system should be completely secular, but inaccurate reporting doesn't further this cause.

24th March 2014, 21:46
What agenda might that be then ?

It's the thin end of the wedge.

Islam should be a banned organisation in this country. It belongs in the dark ages.

24th March 2014, 21:48
A typical over-reaction by the Daily Mail and others and others in order to further their agenda. As usual, they have failed to properly report the facts.

This issue is not about "enshrining Islamic law" into the British legal system, but simply allowing people to leave their estate to who they wish. The same rules to do with challenging of wills and maintained dependants will still apply.

Don't get me wrong, many aspects of "Sharia Law" are despicable and I strongly believe that the legal system should be completely secular, but inaccurate reporting doesn't further this cause.

The Telegraph reported it a couple of days ago - the Independent today........ any more palatable ?



24th March 2014, 21:54
Also the Sun :xxgrinning--00xx3:


24th March 2014, 21:55
A typical over-reaction by the Daily Mail and others and others in order to further their agenda. As usual, they have failed to properly report the facts.

This issue is not about "enshrining Islamic law" into the British legal system, but simply allowing people to leave their estate to who they wish. The same rules to do with challenging of wills and maintained dependants will still apply.

Don't get me wrong, many aspects of "Sharia Law" are despicable and I strongly believe that the legal system should be completely secular, but inaccurate reporting doesn't further this cause.

Shush let them quietly take over the country :yikes:

24th March 2014, 21:56
Islam should be a banned organisation in this country. It belongs in the dark ages.
It will be once we have a civil war :smile:

24th March 2014, 22:01
I must admit to being surprised at the number of Sharia courts......what's that all about then? Can they settle family squabbles outside of English law?

I must be leading a sheltered life despite being in Northampton :biggrin:

24th March 2014, 22:04
I think in the spirit of "inclusion" and "integration" we should have a pilot scheme to give a run out of shariah style punishments to Muslim criminals - I'd be looking at floggings and hangings for drug dealers, hand amputations for thieves, castration for groomers etc

24th March 2014, 22:17
I think in the spirit of "inclusion" and "integration" we should have a pilot scheme to give a run out of shariah style punishments to Muslim criminals - I'd be looking at floggings and hangings for drug dealers, hand amputations for thieves, castration for groomers etc

Somehow I don't think they would like that aspect of their barbaric religion applied :icon_lol:

24th March 2014, 22:19
Well that would put half of our MPs and Judiciary on DLA for a start. :NoNo:

24th March 2014, 22:21
Somehow I don't think they would like that aspect of their barbaric religion applied :icon_lol:

I wonder why - obviously our civilised western limp wristed penalties don't work. A fair number of groomers, drug dealers and insurance fraudsters appear to be Khans, Mohammeds etc

24th March 2014, 22:23
True, but we mustn't point that out Dedworth. :NoNo:

24th March 2014, 22:50
True, but we mustn't point that out Dedworth. :NoNo:

Quite right Graham post amended :wink:

25th March 2014, 09:34
A typical over-reaction by the Daily Mail and others and others in order to further their agenda. As usual, they have failed to properly report the facts.

This issue is not about "enshrining Islamic law" into the British legal system, but simply allowing people to leave their estate to who they wish. The same rules to do with challenging of wills and maintained dependants will still apply.

Don't get me wrong, many aspects of "Sharia Law" are despicable and I strongly believe that the legal system should be completely secular, but inaccurate reporting doesn't further this cause.

Exactly right Jamesey, its all simply poor reporting, nothing will be "enshrining islamic law". It is only for lawyers to understand how this law works for their clients. I believe that sons get double the amount of daughters, mothers get 1/8th and the eldest son gets the most.
Nothing different than we do here already, everyone has the right to leave any amount to anyone they wish in their will.

Their "sharia laws" is not good if you are female, which is probably unacceptable to most of us, but this Will thing is just sensational reporting.

Did you notice that all newspapers used the word "effectively".... not that it is or will be.

The only question I have is why it's necessary for the lawyers to bring it up in the first place (more work ?) Their clients can simply write the wills the same way as their sharia law anyway !!

I admit I am a Daily Mail reader but I try and see through poor reporting.

My 2p worth

25th March 2014, 10:13
Thin end of wedge. Whilst i agree it's exaggerated it still needs to be kept an eye on.

25th March 2014, 10:20
Can we expect the Law Society to issue guidance ensuring wills are Guatemalan compliant ?

25th March 2014, 15:38
my lips are sealed, incase what I would say will be interpretated as racist:cwm25:

25th March 2014, 16:00
It's not racist to say sharia law is .......s and not one element of it should be entertained in the UK!

25th March 2014, 16:09
It's not racist to say sharia law is .......s and not one element of it should be entertained in the UK!

it does not belong in uk, but it looks like its going to be :NoNo:

25th March 2014, 17:15
Well it will if people say it doesn't matter or it's not important, any mention of it should be jumped upon and shut down, period! :icon_lol:

25th March 2014, 17:22
Damn!!... Who intends to make this law?

Islamic law is to be effectively enshrined in the British legal system for the first time under guidelines for solicitors on drawing up “Sharia compliant” wills.


25th March 2014, 18:04
Nicholas Fluck, president of The Law Society
:icon_lol: I can't take that name seriously:laugher: Nick Fluk :doh

25th March 2014, 18:15
:icon_lol: I can't take that name seriously:laugher: Nick Fluk:doh

Didn't he come up with the original Spitting Image :Erm:

Or was that another Fluck...

Arthur Little
25th March 2014, 19:00
Didn't he come up with the original Spitting Image :Erm:

Or was that another Fluck...

... :anerikke: ... fluck knows!

25th March 2014, 21:46
it does not belong in uk, but it looks like its going to be :NoNo:
Sharia law has been here for years. We better get used to it because its here to stay. And to add to that there are reports of 150 immigrants coming here every week via Calais. What is being done about it? Most are from muslim countries Syria and the likes. Theresa May has been invited there to see for herself but she has refused to go there.

25th March 2014, 22:24
It doesn't make sense that so many civil wars were fought to separate the state and religion, disestablishmentarianism, yet now this trend seems to be being reversed to pander the needs of a demanding minority.
However, it does mean that the lawyers have more opportunities to make money. Makes me glad that I'm studying a law degree now....

25th March 2014, 22:43
We better get used to it because its here to stay
Never it will all kick off one day and will be gone-believe me:xxgrinning--00xx3: